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Despite having the least amount of impact in the long term, the Norse settlements in North America are by far the most famous product of the Viking Expansion.


Viking Expansion - Wine Land - Extra History - #6



Alternate History Idea: what if the Residents of Greenland, after their Colony became unsustainable, Crossed over to Newfoundland and there formed a new Nation: Vinland?

Bell Deng

This is how Wednesday came to the new world in American Gods


Vikings vs Native Americans; sounds like a Deadliest Warrior episode

Ryan Wojciechowski

So what sources do we have to say that these things happened? Because this seems like a pretty big deal for someone to find America centuries before Columbus.


So they found Vineland berry good?


Not an EH comment, EC comment. Is there a good place to send topic ideas to, or are they even welcome? The idea was for a comparison of dialogue in the witcher 3 vs skyrim vs mass effect vs fallout 4. In W3 your limited to what Geralt would do but get options, but in skyrim there is no player voice. How does this affect experience and cost, and does adding a voice sell more copies or sell less copy?

Ryan Wojciechowski

<a href="https://becausegamesmatter.com/contact/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://becausegamesmatter.com/contact/</a> Follow that link to suggest anything to the EC crew!

Ryan Wojciechowski

A side note that I think is of some interest is just how wide the gap between viking and Native Americans is. Following migrations patterns of Homo Sapiens out of Africa and to the New World it's possible these two groups of people haven't shared a common ancestor or language in 40,000 years or more. Most of these people were settled into their lands before written language is even recorded, before Sumerian or Sanskrit. It's an incredibly jarring thing to realize just how difficult early communication had to have been especially for a smaller group that had no idea other people were even here.