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To our patrons of Extra History--thank you so much for being in this community and directly making this show possible. It has been a little over 4 years since the official launch of this Patreon community, and this show has changed Extra Credits for good. 

The above animation was drawn by Extra History artist Nick DeWitt and you can enjoy the Fortnite dance music on Twitter

David, (former) artist for Extra History, currently drawing Extra Sci Fi: "Thank you so much for paying my rent while I have the privilege of working in what I love." 

Rob, writer: "Thank you so much Patrons! I still can’t believe Patreon connected me with people who’re as excited about history as I am. I love that folks log in on a Friday thinking: “I get to learn more about Majapahit today, score!”

Matt, showrunner and narrator: "Before coming to Extra Credits, I used to be a freelance television producer and voice actor. Often times to make ends meet I would have to accept shows or gigs that I didn't 100% believe in creatively... or worse, work for production companies with very poor standards when it came to employee compensation and/or mental health. But now, working for EC has been a dream come true. I get to help create engaging and important content that I truly believe in with a network of talented people that I am lucky to call friends. And none of this would have ever been possible for me if not for the generosity of all our patrons. Each and every one of you made my life so much more healthy and rewarding and I'm forever grateful to you all. Also, Zoey says hi." 




I am honored to be able to help you guys create amazing videos that get people curious about history. I love that I use my job teaching people about history to support another group who spreads our neverending story. Thank you for all you do. Historian/gamer/nerds must stick together!


I always wondered whether it was "Zoe," "Zoë," or "Zoey." And now I know.


You guys are great! I've learned a ton, and you always leave me with a sense of curiosity to go learn more!


To Zoey, Purr Purr Purr Purr From the Kittens ;-)


I wish I could see what Zoey looked like. If they posted her pic, let me know.


Too all the years of knowledge and joy you have given us


Matt, do not speak for our kitten overlord, we wish to hear her speak to us! In all seriousness, may you guys continue to have many more years telling of history.

Bill Lemmond

Very happy I can afford to help. Am still just getting by, but the janitorial contractor doubled my pay (They were afraid they'd lose me to UPS, and yes, I thanked UPS.), so I'll be looking at all my Patron subscriptions, and figuring out where I can increase them. :)