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Hearing tales of chaos in Ireland, Thorgest the Sea King arrives with 120 long ships. He builds walls and a port, declaring himself king over all foreigners in Ireland. And he names this new city after its black pools—Dubh-Linn.

NOTE: we are currently aware of an issue in the first minute of this video where the script seemingly jumps from the year 837 to the year 831. Once I have verified the correct/intended year I will add it here. --Belinda

NOTE: We have re-uploaded this video with the correction fixed :) New link now in this post!





A First Forray into Irish History...BEFORE the actual first Extra History about Ireland when that comes along next Year. ;-) P.S: The Sheep are going to bring Charges of Animal Cruelty against Rollo the Walker after watching the last Episode...although if it's sorted out via Trial by Battle, they may end up regretting it.


I was VERY sad to draw all those sheep. I try to keep things as light and as PG as possible for the most part, but I got to that and was like aw beans, there's no way around making this a nasty pile of dead animals. Sheep solidarity.


Ohh cool!

Jason Youngberg

The Viking religion is Asatro and you should call it that instead of derogatory term like "heathen" or a term like "pagan" which is "neither Christian, Jew, nor Muslim" (aka "other"). Also let's remember how the early Christians treated the native religions of Ireland.