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One of the challenges of producing the Extra History series has been finding appropriate music that we can license for our outro at the end of the episode. We think that's a lot better than a generic theme song, but between the historical age and sometimes the obscurity of our content, it can be a bit difficult to find the right material! Enter Sean and Dean Kiner, fellow fans and patrons of the show. They saw our milestone goal to hire a musician at $12,000 per month, and as professional musicians themselves, they took it upon themselves to do us a solid favor and compose a piece for the upcoming Zulu series. We're so excited with how it turned out that we wanted to share it with all of you, even though it'll be a while (May 16) before the Zulu series starts officially. What do you think? Would you like more music like this at the end of Extra History? Link: https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=2257287



Fantastic, Im blown away by what this site can do, but also a bit jealous. Im brand new and looking for a little patron love. Do they find you or do you find them? The patreon tutorials just dont work on my cheapo tablet.


I'd have to listen to something in a "genre" I'm more familiar with. Cause I'm sure this will fit with the Zulu videos, but I'd like to know what they'd produce for the current South Seas series.


You have been doing a great job finding the appropriate music I should say :)


It's so inspiring to see how overwhelmingly positive the response to Extra History has been. Fans supporting it financially and now even composing music for the show, it's just great. You are all doing excellent work and I look forward to seeing EH and all your shows grow and evolve in the years to come.


Very nice! I know it's a long-shot, but is that actual Zulu chanting?


We won't ask them for South Seas music since we've already got that series covered, but we got to listen to their demo reel this weekend and there's everything from Bulgarian Vocals to Chinese Guzheng, all of it awesome.


We kinda sneaked away with it on the South Sea series. ;D Secretly, it's Final Fantasy XI remix music!


I like it a lot. I support the idea of more unique music for the series


I love the idea of having some dedicated, topic-appropriate music commissioned for EH. This piece is great, and if it's any indication of Sean and Dean's overall work, they'd be a great addition to the team!


So much this. The support from all of you has been really amazing and inspiring to us.


Not this version, I'm afraid. There's an alternate version we're taking a look at that does, but this is the forerunner right now.


I apparently don't understand the Patreon UI - I can't actually hear it; when I'm on the activity feed I can tell there's an attatchment to this, but... It's not showing up when I click through. ...Still, this beats auto-play, I guess...


I think it sounds great and I'd love to hear more subject/period-appropriate music on the videos.


The song is cool, and though I think paying writers for Extra History is better than paying musicians, I learned that overall production values are important. So do what you think would make for a better Extra History, I trust your judgment better than mine.


It's thank you for sharing


This particular track sounds like it will be a great fit for the upcoming episodes, and I think it would certainly be worthwhile to try to have music specifically made for each series.


I can see something like this going well with the episode!

Arturo Gutierrez

Reminds me of Civilization IV sountrack. Having personalized themes sounds great!


Awesome music! can't wait to see more from these artists.


Thank all of you for this outpouring of positive support! This was so fun to work on, and we love Extra History!

Adam Conner

I like this idea, adds another element to it. I always look forward to your videos and I love history in general


I think this is the point in time I simply say look at how fair this has come since the start. I still love the series, I just spent a good twenty minutes talking to a friend about it and they are thinking of joining the ever growing amount of support for this show. I can't wait to see what comes next down the tube it is well worth the money I can offer for the content.


Judging from the comments here, they were able to listen to the music alone. Why am I not seeing it? I only see a link, which takes me to this page.