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If you missed the Q&A, we've got a recording available for the next two weeks! Check it out for a cameo from Carrie Floyd and discussion of both current and upcoming series. Link: http://www.spreecast.com/events/april-q-a-sunday-1pm-pdt Also, skip to the end where James asks a question: how interested would you folks be in having us do one-off episodes that summarize the context for a certain historical period, or some basic concepts of history itself? Let us know in the comments here!


(No title)


Nicole Barovic

I'd be interested in the one-off episodes provided they don't disrupt the regular schedule TOO much. I'd definitely like to hear your take on "some basic concepts of history itself." It'd help us understand your analytical model better, which would provide some additional context to the "Lies" segments.


I'd love to see one-offs like that.


Yeah I'm up for these one off too. More if they're used right before the series as opposed to more random ones.


One off context, basic concepts of history, etc, episodes seem interesting for both the understanding of the topics and potentially helping you guys buy buffer weeks if you get to a point you need them (two shorter series in a row, for example)


One off episodes would be quite useful, I think. In addition to what's already been said, you have the benefit of highlighting a period that is worth exploring, doesn't get much focus, but may otherwise slip through the cracks of the voting system.


My concern with the one-offs is that I don't see them being as entertaining or informative as the series (which I LOVE). It would be a lot of effort for about what I'd get in a wiki article. Entertaining, I'm sure, but how much perspective can you get on an overview of an entire period? I know James says he always wishes they could put more info in the series they already make. On the other hand, the basic concepts of history would be really interesting. It is that perspective that I enjoy, and I'd love to see something that I can show kids early in the year to get them in the mind set for what they will be learning later through lessons and more episodes. Of course, if Extra Credits puts out either show I will definitely watch it. I would not complain if I were proven wrong about the off episodes. :)


Definitely! The idea James was tossing around was making a "State of the Empire" episode before the Justinian series to explain what's going on across the Eastern Roman Empire. Those one-offs could then be used for future series set in that time period, to give a reference and say, "Hey, watch this for a refresher, and then let's talk about Justinian again!" Just as an example.


The idea is to have the one-off episodes inserted into places where the regular schedule is slightly imbalance - for example, if series A is five episodes long and series B is four episodes long, we could do a one-off before or after series B to balance it out.


And we definitely want to do that! Pretty much every Q&A, James talks about some subject that he'd love to cover on the show, but it doesn't have enough material for a full series. This would really help with that, and mean some underappreciated history gets to see the light of day.


For one-offs, we wouldn't be trying to condense a whole historical period down to one episode so much as give background on an upcoming series (e.g. the political status of the Eastern Roman Empire during the reign of Justinian), or cover a short but interesting historical event that we don't have enough data to do a full series about. Think like the first episode of the WWI series, where we got to explain why Europe was such a powder keg in the early 1900's. That being said, keeping them interesting and not short-changing any of the subjects we cover are definitely things we have to keep in mind, so I appreciate the feedback!