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We will be doing a series on Dr. Sun Yat-sen: Rebel on the Run later in 2018!

 1918 Flu Pandemic --> Majapahit: An Empire of Water --> Viking Expansion --> Dr. Sun Yat-sen

Gunshots echo through Hong Kong. An assassin flees across the rooftops. Behind him, the mastermind of the Guangzhou uprising lies dead. The murder leaves a 34-year-old doctor named Sun Yat-sen as the most prominent revolutionary in China. For a decade after, Dr. Sun will travel the world writing, speaking, and organizing resistance. He’ll live in hiding and be kidnapped by secret agents. Because Sun is a dangerous man: he’s about to bring 2,000 years of Imperial rule crashing down. 




Yay! Cannot wait to understand more about the history of 1910s China! Am hoping that the Mexican Revolution will be back on another poll, because that is entirely relevant nowadays as well.


Will this series be focused on Sun's eariler life, ending w/ the Xinhai Revolution, or will it be giving at least a couple of episodes to the early Warlord Period? I tend to feel that China in the 1910's and early to mid 1920's (before the conflict became a civil war w/ the Nationalists, Communists, and Japanese) doesn't get the attention it deserves.


Will you ever do a series on the Texas revolution


Should be interesting to learn about the founder of the Republic of China and China during the 1910s and early 1920s. In case you want some background to China during this period, you can always look at this: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TofCRaOBWZ0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TofCRaOBWZ0</a>


Also, will the runners up here (Haiti in particular) be in a future poll?


Rob says: I have to see how much time it’s taking, but I generally would like to take it up to the handoff of power when Sun stepped down as president, than a general discussion of the Warlords Period because it’s past our 1920s cutoff. But it’s way too early to know what’s going in or out. Often I have to jam a lot in the final episode. The good news is I can use the big Sun Yat-sen Museum in Hong Kong!


Here's Hoping that Doctor Luther will Win next Time but I'm Pretty Pleased with this Result...will Mao Zedong be making an Appearance in this Series?


I'm guessing no, because EH series must be (according to their own rules) before 1920.


Really looking forward to the Viking Expansion! Viking history was always my favorite subject in school, here in Sweden! :D


if you make a mention about the previous revolts in China, i hope you mention General Tso (the man, not the chicken).

Jeffrey Chu

Is there any rhyme or reason as to when these polls happen, because this is the second one I've missed since I increased my pledge to have access to the topic polls. I have email notifications turned on and am not being notified that these polls are going up.

Bill Lemmond

I recall reading about him in middle school, on my own. What about Yen "Jimmy" Yang-Chou, the guy who brought literacy to the general Chinese population, with "easy Wen-Len"?