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Launching June 4, Extra Politics is an 8-episode mini-series (weekly on Mondays) exploring the United States political system from a game design perspective. 

In this series, we skip past policy and get to the core rules that govern the US political system, everything from running for office to moving legislation forward. By putting these rules under the microscope, we hope to better understand the actions of the players and the outcomes.   

Whether you want to be a more informed voter, a more engaged citizen, or are even considering running for office yourself, level up your political literacy with Extra Politics this summer! Extra Politics is created by guest writer Luke Peterschmidt, guest artist Joe Maslov, and narrator Daniel Floyd. 

Also, just a heads-up for all the Extra History fans, you'll be getting an extra-Extra History episode on Thursday! Stay tuned...



That's awesome! I'm stoked!


And Dan is guest starting or was this recorded before he left??


This is so very cool! Especially interesting for those of us who compare the United States to other democratic and parliamentary systems.

Jonathan Morton

I am really excited this seems super interesting.


Oh amazing, I've been waiting for this since the episode on incentives and intrinsic/extrinsic motivation


THIS is going to be good!


Confirmed: Extra History is the new Crash Course. And I support this move.


What a great idea!


I love that Extra Credits finds time in the schedule to fit things like this in! It seems like a great series for Dan Prime to end on too though hopefully we’ll see him in the future as a guest narrator the way Allison and LeeLee have done guest art occasionally.


Please be careful not to get sucked into politics and transient arguing. Please stay focused on videos that have long term relevance and benefit.


I have a hard time understanding how politics and civic engagement doesn't have long-term relevance and benefit. It's important now more than ever for folks to be aware of how their governments work and to be engaged in the issues they care about --Belinda


Yeah my only concern is the directions that such videos could take. Not everyone sees things the same way, and videos like these could easily step on toes long time audience members.


The mini-series Extra Credits did years ago about the flaws (from a game designer's perspective) of the U.S. political system was one of my favorite multi-episode arcs, and I am excited to see it revisited (especially considering how the situation lately has exposed those flaws in ways that are harder to ignore.)


1) Honestly by this point after all these years, I think most viewers are aware of our bias(es) and if that particular bias bothers them they have already stopped watching a long time ago. 2) This show doesn't argue for certain policy issues--this is more of a general civic literacy approach that will hopefully benefit anyone who's genuinely interested in learning about and improving the state of US politics, regardless of their individual political label of choice.


Definitely can't make promises on anyone's behalf regarding that, but I agree with you that it'd be cool to see in the future!


For those worried about the tone or direction these videos might go, I get the feeling it will be pretty similar to some older episodes they did on incentive systems as they apply to the U.S. political system. I recommend revisiting them: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xa-vQ0L77LY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xa-vQ0L77LY</a>


I think we shouldn’t be judging the content of the series before it has even aired, but also we need to understand the systems at work in our government as citizens so we can defend them or critique or understand when people are exploiting them. This seems like just the kind of informational series we need for that and I also find it exciting how eager non-US EC fans are to learn about the America political system and compare it to other systems.


I'm SUPER interested to see community reaction and feedback from non-US viewers. My guess is that at least some of the principles can be applied in other countries' political systems too but maybe it's something worth exploring more!


Thanks for the nostalgic blast from the past, I'm gonna tweet these out! --Belinda


Oh, I'd watch a series on the governments of countries that aren't the US!

Erin Brioche

This is cool! I don't live in the US myself, but it'll be interesting to learn what on Earth's going on over the pond.


The concept of this is quite novel and I look forward to it.


This is awesome! But why not launch on July 4th? ;)


Will this be focusing more on the system as it is today, or on how the system developed from how it was originally intended and implemented into what it is today? The electoral college was mentioned in an earlier comment, so to use that as an example, would that episode focus more on how it works now, or on things like the reason it was established and how freezing the size of the House of Representatives affected the electoral college?


Haha, I thought about that too! ;) The boring answer is that this year July 4th does fall on a Wednesday and it would conflict with the Extra Credits videos on Wednesday.


I love this concept! :D Super looking forward to this series!


Ooooooo! Are you talking about how the voting system is designed? There’s a ballot initiative for STAR voting in Lane county coming up that would make an excellent example of good design changes and the RCV campaign in Maine for an example of bad design changes. I’d be happy to help.


Same. Those have always been some of my favorite episodes, and I'm looking forward to seeing this design perspective on politics explored more in depth.

Crissa Kentavr

Yay! A little more of Dan Voice! ^-^


I embrace the power of "and" on this. More, more, more....


Stand by for the show. Surprisingly, have Monty Python as a second language kills some of the pain.


I'm super stoked for this. It's June 4th and I've got popcorn . . . let's go!


HYPED for this!!! I recently had a fascinating conversation contrasting the mechanics and incentives of Canada's Parliamentary system and the US's Presidential system. Looking forward to seeing the EC's take on the mechanics of the US political system!


I know this launched a while ago, but this series is AWESOME!