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EDIT: Read more from Dan Floyd here! 

As this is the Extra History Patreon, we pretty much never post Extra Credits videos in here, but today's game design episode also had some pretty big news you might want to know. Skip to 7:34 if you want to hear it in Dan's own words.

In short, Dan and Carrie are moving on to start their own new adventures, but we'll still keep making content at the same constantly improving-standard of quality we always have. There's too many of us working on the channel now for it to come to a halt. Dan has already recorded the audio for our Non-Euclidean Geometry series here on Extra History, so you'll still be hearing his timeless pitch-shifted voice in some of our videos over the next month.  

Eventually we will have a new narrator for Extra History and all our other shows, Matt Krol, who comes from a TV and film production background. You'll get to "meet" Matt next week when we air his first Extra Credits episode! (No, we are not going to make him sound like pitch-shifted Dan. That is Dan's pride and joy alone.)

Thank you for supporting Extra History and for putting up with Dan's mispronunciations and goofed-up dates. :)

--Belinda, Community Manager


Choice Paralysis - Too Much of a Good Thing - Extra Credits

Game designers must decide how to segment and present choices so that the player isn't overwhelmed. From character creation to strategy, there's a lot of complexity to the user experience. Also, this is Dan's last Extra Credits episode. Next week we'll be introducing a new narrator/show host, Matt. Thanks to Daniel and Carrie Floyd for making Extra Credits awesome all these years. Subscribe to Extra Credits for more episodes every Wednesday! http://bit.ly/SubToEC ___________ Get your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://bit.ly/ExtraStore Watch more episodes from this season of Extra Credits! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzZ2IphdFGw&index=1&list=PLhyKYa0YJ_5Ab3f-7_XnNdtnplGxaF81D Thanks for participating in this week's discussion! We want you to be aware of our community posting guidelines so that we can have high-quality conversations: https://goo.gl/HkzwQh Contribute community subtitles to Extra Credits: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?c=UCCODtTcd5M1JavPCOr_Uydg&tab=2 Talk to us on Twitter (@ExtraCreditz): http://bit.ly/ECTweet Follow us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Get our list of recommended games on Steam: http://bit.ly/ECCurator ___________ Would you like James to speak at your school or organization? For info, contact us at: contact@extra-credits.net ___________ ♪ Intro Music: "Penguin Cap" by CarboHydroM http://bit.ly/1eIHTDS ♪ Outro Music: “Secret 1000cc Mode” by CarboHydroM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J3j9HgmgOM



😭😭😭 I’ll miss you, Dan.


Happy for Dan, sad for us


Good luck Dan! Extra History just won’t be the same without you


What about the big "extra frames" project that Dan was working in for Extra Play for like a year or so? Is that canceled now?


We'll miss you Dan! Thank you for educating us all.


Good luck Dan and Carrie, we'll miss you!


Thanks for the years of great writing and voice over Dan. You'll be missed!


We'll all miss you, Dan. We can't thank you enough for your time and effort in creating the series. Good luck on your journey, man.


This is so bittersweet. I wish Dan and Carrie good luck with everything, though this news pains me dearl6


Have you considered, perhaps (and just stick with me here), just tying him up in the corner and not letting him leave? I kid but he'll be missed. If his next project is something you guys can share, please keep us updated.


I'll miss you Dan. Thanks for being the voice for some of the greatest educational experiences I've ever had. You were integral to the experience and it won't be the same without you. Best wishes!

Cody Gerard

Nooo, Dan! We'll miss you so much. Thank you for all the wonderful videos you've provided us over the years. Good luck where ever life takes you


Many sad faces!!!! But, sometimes moving on is the best. You'll be missed from EC, and I hope to be able to follow your new stuff, too!


My phone crashed when I read that message. It's just as upset as i am! But in all seriousness, good luck on all your future endeavours, Dan and Carrie! You will both be missed!


UUUUURRRRRGGGGHHHHH...... So much conflicting feelings!!! Happy and sad is not a very comfortable combo....


Dan, you and your team have brought so much great information to us in awesome ways over the years. You will be missed. Good luck on your next adventure. It's Dangerous to Go Alone, Take This. ⚔


AWWWW DAN :( Sad to see you go, but looking forward to following you on your new adventure!


This really feels like the end of an era... Sad to see them go, but I genuinely wish them all the best!


No! Is narrating that time consuming?


Thanks so much for starting this channel! I learn new fun stuff with every video and I'm sure there's plenty more for me to sink my teeth in. Best of luck to both of you; I'm sure you'll do great!


I honestly don’t know how to feel about this. Dan just felt like a fixture and he’d be around forever.


You'll be missed!! Best of luck on your next adventure!!


there is a paranoid, dramatic tin-foiled hat wearing part of me that wants to ask "what happened?!? What is the true dramatic story they won't tell us behind the scene?!? I must know!!!", but you people appear to be so kind I simply cannot believe there is something nefarious here. That this is just two people that seeks new things. After all it's been 10 years of the same show... Good luck Dan and Carrie! You will be missed!


I can't believe Dan and Carrie are leaving! All the best to them in their future work, of course, but wow... They will be missed.


Hey Dan, thanks for creating Extra Credits. I've been a long time watcher, going all the way back to the Escapist days, and the REALLY squeaky voice. It's sad to see you go, and would love for you to stay, but like all good things, they must come to an end at some point. Good luck on all your future projects.


After so many years of lurking in the internet it is time to post a big thank you for all these years. You will be missed! Best of luck on your next project!


Dan, be proud in what you've accomplished, and best of luck in your next endeavors. You deserve success, and I sincerely hope that you achieve it on the level of EC and beyond!


Sadness..... :(


Good luck Dan and Carrie in your next project(s)!! ^_^


RIP pitch-shifted chibi Dan


Bye Dan! We're going to miss you so much! I am only slightly looking forward to hearing a pitch down-shifted Matt Krol, because obviously that's the way to go.

Lars Gottlieb

It's not April 1st, yet this has Got to be a very bad joke. What gives?

Erin Brioche

It won't be the same without them! D= Still good, obviously. But never the same.

Quinlan Vuong

I'm getting a post-traumatic Steve-leaves-Blue's-Clues flashback


Just gonna post this from Twitter to increase the chances it gets seen. "Dan you've been such an inspiration. What you've done with Extra Credits... Oh man! You & EC are the ones who cemented my dreams to be a game dev. When I heard I started crying. Though we've never met, it feels like a good friend is moving away. Blessings to you for the future."


Dan, thanks for one of the best Youtube channel there is.


I'm bummed to hear that the voice of Extra Credits is changing, but I'm glad they're moving onto great opportunities.

Zatarra Manetti

On the matter of choice paralysis, tuere are some individuals with mental disorders or disabilities that have issues with decision making. I myself have one or two that contribute to this, but in particular would be ADHD. It really propped up in mind when the question of, "Which would you rather be: Smart, Strong or Fast?". Those with ADHD will usually choose, "All of them" not because all are nice, but that each of them are equally important. This is paramount in our decision making, as unless one choice is utterly superior, then all will have equal value. Though then comes the issue that we simply can't choose all three because we aren't allowed to. Which is painfully discouraging. Also, latter Dan.


Dan, I'm not going to lie, you're breaking my heart...but good luck.


That comparison was actually brought up in some of our internal discussions over the past month while creating Matt's character/voice, haha. We definitely aren't going to try to replace Dan's character and legacy. So many people have joined the crew over the past few years and it's to our strength to celebrate the things that make all of us unique! --Belinda


Nope. Those are the projects that Dan hinted at in his outro. He posted more info about that here: <a href="http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sqhrnq" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sqhrnq</a>


I swear, if Matt pronounces the names of 15-th century Hungarian rulers better than Dan, I'll never forgive him.

Nicole Barovic

Wow... this truly is the end of an era. I've been following Extra Credits since before it was even called Extra Credits! I hope there wasn't any behind-the-scenes drama? Then again, ten years is a long time to be doing any weekly gig.


History is and always has been my number one passion, and to meet a community equally as passionate, led by this series was a great moment in my life. Dan and Carrie (and all the other Extra History creators behind the scenes); it's one of the greatest gifts in the world to be able to impart knowledge of, and better still, a passion for history, the great story of humanity. I want to thank you all for your hard work and wish Dan and Carrie all the best in your future endeavours! You will be missed!


Goodbye Guys, thanks for all the good work over the years. Best of luck with the future.


Best of luck in the future guys.

Max Eliaser

Wow, thank you so much for years of service! Best of luck in all new ventures, and keep in touch! &lt;3


Thanks for everything, Dan and Carrie! Good luck in your next project!


Thank you Dan (and all the people doing the animation and script). I do not remember when I started watching the channel, and I don't know how many years I have been following this channel. The only thing I can say is thank you and I hope you have fun with your next project. Thank you for your years of teaching me and don't be a stranger. Your voice will be greatly missed.


Good luck, Dan and Carrie! You've done a great service to the gaming community. To the video's point, EVE Online has actually threaded the choice and data needles very close to the breaking point, and have made that part of their pitch and charm.


NOO Dan. Thank you for everything


*Continues Contemplating how to Attain the Supreme and Final Enlightenment and become a Buddha*


I wish I could &lt;3 this a gazillion times. Thank you Dan and Carrie for everything you've done for us. I will miss you on EC, and look forward to your new projects (yay on Extra Frames, I've been really wanting that to come back).


The end of an era! Well, I wish Dan the best and look forward to meeting Matt :-)


So now I want to go back and watch all of Dan's Dark Souls playthroughs. That's several hundred hours of Dan's voice. :-)

Crissa Kentavr

Oh no! But I love the narration!


Wait - that wasn't Dan's real voice??


All good thing must come to an end i suppose

Trey Pylon

Thank you Dan for all the years of insightful and thought provoking ideas and concepts in video games, history and life in general. I wish you and Carrie the greatest of luck in all you do going forward.


Alright. You can't get the new guy to talk like a normal f***ing person, which means I can't stand watching your new videos, which means there is no reason for me to support this anymore. I'm pulling my funding. Goodbye.