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What series would you like us to air on Extra History? Cast your vote(s) below and let us know! This series will air later in 2018.

You might recognize some of the topics here! All of the topics chosen below consist of suggestions from our patrons, and topics from "close races" that were only a few votes away from winning previous polls. You can vote for as many choices as you want!

The poll will end at 11:59pm PT on Monday, April 23.

Current Schedule: Empire of Mali --> The History of Non-Euclidean Geometry --> 1918 Flu Pandemic --> Your Vote!

Feel free to discuss your votes in the comments! We the Extra History team will be staying out of it (except to answer questions, should you have any) because we don't want to influence anyone's opinion.

Proposed Topics & Descriptions

Ptolemy, Copernicus, and Kepler: Revolutionaries of Heaven

The planets move, and mortals burn to know why. In this series we look at the lives and theories of three great astronomers. We'll chart the heavens in Alexandria with Ptolemy, spark the Copernican Revolution, and explore the universe through the beer halls and alchemical labs of Prague with Kepler and Brahe.

Chandragupta and the Maurya Empire: Lions of India

Chandragupta founded the largest empire ancient India had ever seen—then gave it up to starve himself to death in a religious fast. His heirs would push Alexander's successors out of India, kickstart the spread of Buddhism, and build monuments, including the Pillars of Ashoka, that are still famous today.

Gustavus Adolphus: Father of Modern Warfare

When he was sixteen, Gustavus Adolphus inherited the throne of Sweden—along with three wars. Over the next 21 years he would reform the state, win military valor, and intervene in the Thirty Years' War, escalating it from a local conflict to one that devoured Europe.


Majapahit: An Empire of Water

History and myth blend like shadow puppets on a screen. In 13th century Java, Kublai Khan's fleet bears down on a young kingdom. But this small Hindu state will repel the Khan's ships, then reach beyond its borders to create a sprawling maritime kingdom. But there are many dangers for this new Indonesian empire—including corrupt rulers, surgical assassination plots, the rise of Islam, and the treasure fleets of Chinese Admiral Zheng He.



I want every single one of these to get the extra history treatment! But, I'll settle for Majapahit for now.

Ryan Wojciechowski

To be fair this is the second round of voting Gustavus has made it into so I think he's guaranteed a series eventually.

Ryan Wojciechowski

Follow up I just looked up Majapahit and boy do I feel bad for wanting this series. Pronunciation and spelling are not your friends with the kings and queens of Majapahit.