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A throwaway cigarette landed on a pile of cloth. 146 workers died from the resulting fire. But this tragedy motivated citizens and politicians to take a stand from workers' rights, creating a far safer world that we still live in over a century later. 


The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire - Horror in Manhattan - Extra History

A throwaway cigarette landed on a pile of cloth. 146 workers died from the resulting fire. But this tragedy motivated citizens and politicians to take a stand from workers' rights, creating a far safer world that we still live in over a century later. Support us on Patreon! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon (--More below) Grab your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://bit.ly/ExtraStore Subscribe for new episodes every Saturday! http://bit.ly/SubToEC Play games with us on Extra Play! http://bit.ly/WatchEXP Talk to us on Twitter (@ExtraCreditz): http://bit.ly/ECTweet Follow us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Get our list of recommended games on Steam: http://bit.ly/ECCurator ____________ ♪ Get the intro music here! http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♪ Get the outro music here! http://bit.ly/23isQfx *Music by Sean and Dean Kiner: http://bit.ly/1WdBhnm



Err...where are the Mali?




In between series we always do a one-off episode! James also did mention this week's episode at the very end of Lies but it was a bit muffled/hard to understand.


Well that was tragic.


Fell bad for those who lost love ones


When I was in law school, we talked about how the Triangle fire interacted with the Supreme Court's Lochner v. New York decision, which invalidated a host of workplace safety laws in 1905 under the theory of "freedom of contract", and made federal or state regulation of employment conditions extremely difficult until the freedom of contract doctrine was abandoned by the New Deal court. Lochner effectively prohibited laws requiring maximum hours, minimum wages, or state pensions, and blocking prohibition of child labor. The Triangle fire, so close on the heels of Lochner, led to relaxing some of the initial strict reading of Lochner, and eventually led to its demise as a controlling case.


what about the mali Empier?


Excellent piece! Thank you!


Fire is inevitable? We call b. s. , right?

Cody Gerard

The Triangle Fire is one of those things that's NYC legend (in a bad way). I can't even begun to count the amount of times I heard about it in museums and lessons about NYC history at various points in my middle and high school days. Thanks for making this video. It's one of those things that deserves to be more widely know both for the tragedy and the long term impact it had.


What I took away from this was powerful lobbies don't care about the little people until they zerg rush them in the polls?

Ryan Wojciechowski

"You can't fight town hall!" WATCH US Also if anyone is wondering why they made New York blue it's because Boss Murphy and the rest of Tammeny Hall were Democrats and back then the Democrats were the conservative party, favoring big business. Just goes to show that a lot changes over the decades.


Minor nitpick: 123 women, 23 men.

Dan Ahn

This work and topic has inspired me. I've decided to support!


Great video as always, but why put in that divisive comment at the end? Even if it wasn't your intention, you must have know it was going to come off as anti 2A.


Do history of Sukarno and Indonesian Independence


The comment at the end is: "Yes, you have the power to make the world a better place". Nothing more. And if you feel threatened by that then, maybe, just maybe, it's that you know deep down you're on the wrong side.


Having done a paper on this in High School, no way I'm watching this.

Bill Lemmond

Thank you for all of the , well, extra history, that goes so far before and after the day of the fire. Before this, the only thing that stuck in my mind was how bad the fire was. Thank you for encouragement to maek differences. :)