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As a child, Temüjin was afraid of the world, saddened by its cruelty and an outcast from his own tribe. But his mother, Hoelun, passed on her risk-taking personality to him, a boy who would one day become the famed conqueror Genghis Khan. 


Genghis Khan - Temüjin the Child - Extra History - #1

As a child, Temüjin was afraid of the world, saddened by its cruelty and an outcast from his own tribe. But his mother, Hoelun, passed on her risk-taking personality to him, a boy who would one day become the famed conqueror Genghis Khan. Support us on Patreon! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon (--More below) Grab your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://bit.ly/ExtraStore Subscribe for new episodes every Saturday! http://bit.ly/SubToEC Play games with us on Extra Play! http://bit.ly/WatchEXP Talk to us on Twitter (@ExtraCreditz): http://bit.ly/ECTweet Follow us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Get our list of recommended games on Steam: http://bit.ly/ECCurator ____________ ♪ Get the intro music here! http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♪ Get the outro music here! http://bit.ly/23isQfx *Music by Sean and Dean Kiner: http://bit.ly/1WdBhnm



“I am the Punishment of God. If you had not Committed Great Sins, God would not have sent a Punishment such as me Upon you.” Oooh, going to be a LOT of Bloodshed on this One!!! Us Alternate History Creators can be a Bloodthirsty lot when the Mood takes us. MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ;-)

Robert S

if i could travel back in time id tell temujin to do well so his legacy could be recorded forever by a group of bards that bore his name <a href="https://youtu.be/pzmI3vAIhbE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/pzmI3vAIhbE</a>


I’m surprised you guys were able to get this much information. As Steppe tribes, the Mongols would have told stories to continue their history instead of writing it down. Was it hard to find your references?


Born... with a blood clot in his hand!


I thik the Chinese wrote down much of this after Mongol invasion of China. Basically many sources are from peoples the Mongols subjugated.


I have to be frank here: the artwork isn't very good. A lot of the background looks copy-pasted and theres no shading at all. Nothing personal against the artist, but I just think it doesn't suit a story as epic as Temujin's.


This isn't a big name animation studio; animation is extremely expensive and time consuming, and this series has a limited budget. Shading is not mandatory for a relatively minimalistic artstyle. Besides; artists do get better over time.


Dsching, Dsching Dschingis Khan!


I'm no scholar of ancient Mongolian to be sure, but I was under the distinct impression that "Genghis" is pronounced more like a soft g or a ch sound.


Hooooo boy, my counseling senses are tingling. I guess I will have to pull out good ol’ Adler to explain his psyche.


I liken this to calling Rome "Byzantium" -- sacrificing preciseness for clarity.


Few corrections:


Yesugei was not just a hunter but a head of a tribe, which formerly was in charge of the Khamag Mongol confederacy. His grandfather was executed by the Jin for trying to unite Mongolian tribes into one nation. Depicting Yesugei as just some poor hunter is slightly insulting


Also, the reason why Temujin had murdered is half-brother is that he wanted to take Borte ( Temujin's mother ) as his own wife/concubine. Which according to Mongolian customs is completely normal unless you're not blood related. It was common for brothers to take their wives upon the latter's death, since it was difficult time for a single woman to live.


I wonder why they didn't mention the fact that Ong Khan was a Nestorian Christian?


Yep, but maybe it's just the "chosen one" omen that was written in the Secret History after his death. The fact is that growing up there was no single sign that he would become what he had became.


The only reason I would see bringing it up was if it had some bearing on the story. Like the Marduk/Zoroastrian details in the Khosrau episodes. They're only really brought up when the story needs it. If they have an episode about Genghis' religious policies I'm sure they'll say something.


this is amazing, i got chills. CAN'T WAIT!!


how meny ep 4/ 5 / or 6 ?


This is awesome! I can't wait to see him conqour most of the known world!


I get a Feeling it might be a Two-Parter like Bismarck or Justinian. Or at least I sure Hope it will be. Genghis Deserves no less.

Marcus Skerratt

It's a big part of things to come.


One thing I am confused about is that if blood ties were so sacred, how could killing your own brother be punished only by imprisonment - given the depicted harshness of the culture, that surprised me. Obviously I'm very ignorant as to what the culture was so maybe there is something I'm missing.