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Back when this Patreon crossed the $12,000 milestone (and holy moly, we can't believe it's gone even further than that, but THANK YOU), we promised you series art. Our intention at the time was to give patrons a special memento for each series as well as giving the artists a chance to showcase their true skill beyond the stick figures we ask them to draw!

However, we've been having some discussions with our artists about the time that this series art requires. From these discussions, we learned that the amount of effort these pieces required went far beyond our original expectations, and it was becoming a huge burden on the artists to create these pieces every few months. Once we learned that, we sat down with the two current artists (Lil Chan and Nick DeWitt) to figure out a plan that would work better for them.

Lil and Nick came up with the excellent idea of trading cards: every series, we will produce a set of 2-5 trading cards showcasing the characters, places, and events from the most recent series. The digital versions of these cards will be shared with you at the end of the series; the physical versions will be printed at the end of the year 2018 and made available for purchase!

The cards may be made available through other means as well, but we're still working on that, and will be sure to keep you updated here on Patreon. Additionally, we're going to try going back and creating cards for past series as well, but right now this is a new program so we're still feeling our way through whether that's possible given our current art load. :)

With no further ado, we hope you enjoy the first set of five trading cards for the Khosrau series! Attached to this post are digital versions of the trading cards for Khosrau Anushirawan, Gondeshapur University, Shartranj & Nardshir ("Chess and Backgammon"), Kavadh I, and the Fortress of Oblivion. Art for these cards was created by series artist Lil Chan!




He had long productive life as a Emperor


I approve


I love this idea! Excited for when the physical cards get released!


I wonder if we could make these into a TCG somehow... Hmm...


I would increase my pledge if this was a trading card game!

Will Weaver

Aw, I was hoping for a Weh Antiok Khusrau card. Still, this is a cool idea!


Card 000 must be Sir Robert Walpole!


I love this idea. You could use them like flashcards for history classes.


Are we trying to kill James? Cause this is how you kill James.


Well.....there goes all my grocery money....

Paul Grodt

Cute idea, but you knows we need a Walpole card ASAP.

Paul Grodt

Working out a trading card game would probably be really hard, and more effort than it's worth without a separate funding operation. But I wouldn't be one BIT surprised if they couldn't somehow crowdsource the game mechanics development pro bono. I haven't seriously played a trading card game since the late 90s, but I could totally see myself investing in an Extra-History themed game.

Paul Lenoue

There's a chance I could get a Cheng I Sao rookie card? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!


Really love this idea! :D


These sound awesome! Just, for the love of god, do not make these into loot boxes...


This is not the greatest idea. Up until now, series art was pretty good - something you could put on a wall. These new things are glorified references to jokes in series. If creating series art is such a burden, put it in as a reward for higher milestone.


Oh goodness, the insatiable need to catch 'em all would drive me nuts! --Belinda


We believe the trading cards, both digital and physical, will help make the series art accessible to more folks--often the "keystone pieces" have only been available as limited-edition prints, which ends up disappointing the future fans of Extra History who come along! That said, we definitely appreciate feedback from all our patrons, so thank you for commenting with your ideas. --Belinda


At least make this a mock TCG, with some stats or effects in it to suit the character, even if it doesn't make any sense in a global game design sense. Give Khosrau a Troll stat of 10, Kavadh a Nullify Capture effect...


Fortress of Oblivion; constructed out of Swiss Cheese


Love this idea


OMG Yes! Great Idea!


Any chance there will be cards for previous series and one-offs?


BY GOD, there better be a Wapole card.


hmmm, sneaky there. Card numbers start at 002. What/who will be number 1 (it is the loneliest number)?


I think this is a good change in general; I feel the art before was a bit too serious and realistic, it didn't fit the Extra aesthetic that well, so I personally was never that excited by them. I will say however that I find the sample cards posted here to be a bit too low quality; I think it's mostly the choice of fonts and lettering, but apart from the central image, they just look a bit cheap and amateurish; revising the fonts, adding some extra frames and icons would increase the quality a great deal, I think. I also think found the descriptions in these samples to be a bit too leaning towards humorous; EH has always had some nice, humorous moments, but I think the cards would need to find a better balance between jokes and serious; I'd rather not have them all be little quips and jokes, that honestly got old just looking at these four.


I seem to have missed something, what is the series art?

Tiberia Prima

> Kevadh-shaped holes included I died.


I want to frame this comment as positively as possible. I like the trading cards. They are good. But the big art pieces were GREAT and awesome! If needed, I would suggest to hire more artists to draw them instead. I'd double my contribution (that is meager, I must admit) to have them again. And ideally retroactively for Khosrau and, as I can guess, Gengis Khan's.