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Well it's been a wild couple of days, but... remember that post we made last Thursday explaining an upcoming fee change that would start on December 18? It's not happening anymore! Patreon heard the feedback from both Creators and Patrons and canceled the fee change.

Now, some of the issues that led them to consider this fee change in the first place still need to be resolved. BUT. They are going to reach out much more actively for feedback as they work to revise this system, and they are aware that their initial solution hurt small donors (especially at the $1 to $2 levels) so they're going to work hard to make sure their next approach doesn't repeat that mistake.


We messed up. We're sorry, and we're not rolling out the fees change. - The Patreon Blog

Creators and Patrons, We've heard you loud and clear. We're not going to rollout the changes to our payments system that we announced last week.



Welp, they surprised me. Good.


While I'm glad they changed things, because that change did hurt the donations I was making in small amounts to various people, I'm mildly annoyed that the reversal because I'd already canceled my donations to two creators in order to pay for others. I try to explain to my students in Economics that the strength of crowdfunding like Patreon is the fact that fans can give very little, such as a dollar a month, and still know that they're contributing to things they like or believe in, so long as there are enough other people also giving a buck. The fee change hurt those people who are trying to support art and creations that they believe in but only at the little that they can afford and hoping it adds up.


Wait... somebody (that isn't related to Extra Credits/History) in this day and age is listening and trying to keep people happy?!? Did I slip into reverse world?!?


My ambitions of One Day being an $8 Tier Patreon are Saved.

James C

I would personally like it if they allowed the user to opt in when pledging and be able to pledge a bit more to help with processing fees or opt out if they can't afford it. Or something similar to that.


This fantastic news! And hopefully with the right changes made in the future will actually strengthen the relationship not only between Creators and their supporters, but between Creators and Patreon itself!


Agreed! I would like something that told me exactly how much the creator was actually getting of my amount. So if my dollar is only giving the creator something like 85 cents, how much do I need to give for them to actually get a dollar? Or $5? Or whatever value I really want them to have.


I didn't mind the fee change because it helped me to actually give creators what I wanted to give them (even if it was just a full dollar). But I would just appreciate something that helped me calculate the amount. Have the "pledge amount" and the "true pledge amount" or something.


My strategy of doing nothing out of laziness payed off


Awesome! best news I've had today.


I wonder what devious cash grab they will think of next.

Fried (Fridge)

This is good news, and it means I can repledge, not only that I've had a rethink about some of my other pledges and in trimming the fat, I've decided to go from the $5 level to the $8 level


still waiting for an explanation of the 35cents flat fee that doesn't involve increasing cash flow. I'd be okay with that, kind of, but not with the obfuscation that seems to be being used.

Tome of Trovius

Hey did you guys get your patrons back? Or did it just go up in smoke?


I have a lot of faith in the Patreon team and I'm glad my faith did not prove unfounded in this case; they certainly had me worried there. I will say, though, that this was still an unpleasant thing to go through, which at least they acknowledge and will hopefully find better ways to approach in the future.


I hope so! They did reach out to me about this and we made plans to talk further, so I know I'm looking forward to that possibility.


Ooh, awesome! You'll be just in time to join our topic suggestion thread which will go up pretty soon!


We got some folks back, not all! That's to be expected, if rather unfortunate for us.

Fried (Fridge)

It was Warpole! Although seriously, not just for the memes, I would want to see a series on him, or Gladstone and Disraeli (those two just can't be separated and have to be done as a pair) So it really was Warpole that had me go to the $8 pledge level