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What topic would you like us to see on Extra History? Cast your vote below and let us know! This series will air in summer of 2018.

Current Schedule: Khosrau Anushirawan --> Genghis Khan --> Empire of Mali --> Your Vote!

Feel free to discuss your votes in the comments! We the Extra History team will be staying out of it (except to answer questions, should you have any) because we don't want to influence anyone's opinion.



Hello! First of all, thank you guys for this wonderful channel. I was sorry to see that i missed my chance of woting for this round. May i ask if there is a chance of you guys making a series on the Revolutions of 1848-49 at a certain point, even if it lost the race for the moment? It is an interesting part in the history of the Habsburg Empire and as the Hungarian names go, i can help with the pronunciation. 😊


I want to "re-respond" to ExCredHist. First of all, million thanks for the input and for everything! These workgroups would follow standard human collaborating patterns: 150 would sign on, 10% of that would be active and half still would be very active. That's easy today with online tools. I envision the work would result in a 10-20 page report ... to be posted online ... could even be an extra incentive for patreon members. Nobody would consider that a waste of time. Each group would have a coordinator. So you guys at HQ would not need to do much. The only thing I would like to see to get started is a list of the top ten vote getters in second place. Maybe we ould pick three of them and then post a little blurb asking members to consider signing on.