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Heads up, folks: there's not going to be a new episode of Extra History this week. Instead, we'll be returning with the Lies episode for Otto von Bismarck on December 2, 2017. We did our best, but with the American holiday this weekend (Thanksgiving), there just wasn't enough time to get a long live action segment both filmed and edited.



Thanks for letting us know. Keep up the amazing work!


What topic can we expect after that?

Jason Youngberg

That's cool. Enjoy yourself and don't forget to over-indulge on your favorite foods!


Thanks for the heads up


Go home and rest, guys. That's an order, from your patreon commanders.


Khosrau Anushirawan, whom we met briefly in Justinian Ep.9 as a rival to the Eastern Roman Empire!


When will be able to vote on the next series?


Thanks guys, i have thoroughly enjoyed these, take a long rest and charge up :3


The Sheep 🐑 are even now planning their takeover of the various National Governments on Earth. 😏What Exactly does Thanksgiving commemorate?


Enjoy your holidays


It started out as a holiday to remember the Pilgrim Fathers who came on the Mayflower in 1620, combined with a harvest festival, but nowadays it seems to be a day to remember and give thanks to your friends and relatives.


Could you make an episode regarding loot box & collectible card game? I’m really worry about where this is going. I’m not interest in EA, mind you. I’m interested about how this will effect all CCG in general. The whole genre is depend on loot box of sort.