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Is it possible to win too much? Maybe if you're Bismarck and you defeat the French so soundly there's no one left to surrender to you.


Otto von Bismarck - VI: Germany! - Extra History

You would think that capturing the Emperor of France would end the war, but... no. Who could Bismarck negotiate with? Eventually he forced an interim government to cave to his demands, and at the same time convinced the rest of the German states to unite with Prussia. Support us on Patreon! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon (--More below) Grab your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://bit.ly/ExtraStore Subscribe for new episodes every Saturday! http://bit.ly/SubToEC Play games with us on Extra Play! http://bit.ly/WatchEXP Talk to us on Twitter (@ExtraCreditz): http://bit.ly/ECTweet Follow us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Get our list of recommended games on Steam: http://bit.ly/ECCurator ____________ ♪ Get the intro music here! http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♪ Get the outro music here! http://bit.ly/23isQfx *Music by Sean and Dean Kiner: http://bit.ly/1WdBhnm



Perfect timing, I was just about to check here for it. lol


And thus Bismarck has unwittingly set the Stage for the First World War. Although Bismarck ~ as discussed in the Previous Episode ~ had wanted to Impose Moderate Terms on the French so that they wouldn't be left hating Germany, the French turned out to be very bad losers and were left seething with Fury at their Humiliating Defeat at the Hands of a Country that was practically Brand-new. A new Political Ideology ~ "Revanchism," Literally, "Revenge-ism" would become Popular in France among Nationalists, Characterised by a deep Hatred of Germany and the Desire for another War against Germany in Order to Reclaim Alsace-Lorraine. Paintings Emphasising the Defeat came into high Demand, such as those by Alphonse de Neuville. Anyway, let's see who's next on the Schedule. Fingers Crossed it'll be Genghis Khan...


Nicely done, y'all. I very much enjoyed every episode (and was very much looking forward to them). And I will not soon forget... "Bismark had a plan... Bismark ALWAYS had a plan..."


Speaking of WW1, you may wanna make an episode (set) about the the whole "Balkan Troubles". After all, while the Seminal Tragedy episode pointed out 3 factors: Germany's Existance, Incompetant Leaders and Collapse of Empires; you failed to mention the nationalistic Balkan uprising, leading to Balkan War and other European powers sticking their noses in things that didn't concern them. That needs to be addressed, because Serbian hatred for Austro-Hungary came from more than "Prince visiting on a Special day".


IIRC, Bismarck originally didn´´´´´ t want to get Alsace and Lorraine from France since it would make France want that land back. Moltke wanted that help defend Germany against France since the main French fortresses were in there. Also, Bismarck wanted that Germany would maintain good relations with Russia and Austria meaning that France would not be able to gain allies against Germany in continental Europe. Germany under William II thought that alliance with Russia wasn´ t necessary and decided not to continue alliance with Russia because William II and Nicholas II were cousins and that would be enough.


Question for Lies: What specifically lead Kaiser Wilhelm II to dismiss Bismarck?


Easy: he didn't want a strong Chancellor. Prinz Wilhelm and Bismarck were actually allies during the short reign of Friedrich III (son of Wilhelm I, father of Wilhelm II), a liberal, anglophile monarch whose reign was just a few months. Friedrich didn't like Bismark and had plans to dismiss him but never got the chance. Wilhelm II wanted clear leadership from the throne and a strong chancellor made that impossible. And as soon as he was Kaiser he really didn't need Bismark anymore, and started to undermine him until he was strong enough in his position to just dismiss him.


A story for another time? Well I guess two years ago does count as another time.


If you check French maps from this period, they taught school children these were the lost lands. They were also colored black to really drive the point home.

Levi Whitney

It's sad. He was the only one who saw the dominoes in place, but was far too late to stop the downfall.


no mention of the Paris Commune? :(


It seems to be the singular flaw of great people to be unable to envision a world without them. Something that hearkens back to the series on Suleiman and the question of autocratic power.


Any chance of a second series covering the rest of Bismarck’s career like with Justinian?


I love this series I love you guys. Thank you all so much for all you do; it’s all just fantastic. I’m so glad I became a patron!


Bismark was Charlie Sheen before there was a Charlie Sheen.


Watch this space. If you like shirts, there will soooooon be a shirt with those words. ;)


I think that'd be a great idea series and if it gets voted in we'd be happy to do it!


Haha, well, we'd love to follow this up with another series on the second half of Bismarck's life, but we'll see! It'd have to get voted on first.


Guess not. :( Maybe if we come back to this war from the French perspective, we can talk about it!


I suppose it's easy to get so wrapped up in all the projects you have going that you forget the biggest long-term project of training a replacement...


Oh yeah, we'd love to do it! We're not going to put it up for a vote immediately (these things need time to breathe) but if it goes up and you folks vote for it, we're game.


Awww, thank you! This warmed my little heart. :) Thanks for joining us here on Patreon!


I think the finale is good, I feel the series is overall too pro-Bismarck, but the finale does mention Imperial Germany extorting reparations from France which is generally not mentioned anywhere else. And I think you are correct about Bismarck not being able to concieve of anyone other than himself. He was an autocrat, a 19th Century Putin, who had no time for consensus and democracy. And ultimately Bismarck is an example of propaganda masking reality. Because almost nothing of what he did lasted. Alsace-Lorraine went back to France and remained with the French after the end of both World Wars, and it was German territory and German populations settled in Central and Eastern Europe who lost their land and were scattered and displaced back to Germany. The gentlemen who flew on the balloon is Leon Gambetta one of the founders of the French Third Republic. But I guess that's for Lies...to go into detail and footnote. The Franco-Prussian War and its aftermath is pretty tense and interesting and is worthy of an episode in its own right but that's for the voters to decide I am sure.


I think it's wrong to judge Bismarck by the longevity of his legacy, no one can know how the future would turn out. WW1 was not inevitable, and if it hadn't happened, I think we would be living in a world that is much more like Bismarck's design. If you want to have a smart man's perspective on how it all went to shit, I recommend the Memoirs of Prince von Bülow, which is a surprisingly entertaining read.


I think a series of the later days of Bismark and how he didn't get along with Friedrich III at all and his dismissal once Wilhelm II came into power. Could be a one shot at some point: Bismark's downfall.


I like it