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What a way to kick off the New Year! Yesterday, you all helped us cross that big, glowing $10,000 milestone to make Extra History a weekly show. We're all still amazed, but we're also very excited - and we hope you are, too! Making the switch is going to be a transition, not an immediate thing. We need to hire a second artist, and we need to figure out where in the world James is so we can summon him back and make him our writer full time. Both of those things are already in the works! As you may recall, the next series (voted on back before the break) will be about the South Seas Bubble. It'll be four episodes long (including Lies). Our goal is to have the series be on a regular weekly schedule by the end of that series - and we'll keep you posted on our progress along the way! Here's hoping we have a second artist to introduce to you soon. :)



It's a reflection of the quality of work you folks put out. You earned every cent of it.


Apparently James is in France. I don't know about you, but I'd certainly appreciate being called back from there to write Extra History full time. Or, for just about anything, for that matter.


My only worry is, the way James is described in episodes, he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who wants to be on one project on a 'permanent' basis

Rémi LUong

Wow, you guys did it!


Delighted for you guys. Its a fair reward for all the work you put in! Can I selfishly suggest you do an Extra History about Ireland ... Famine or the "war" in the North of Ireland... both would be great to educate Americans (and some Irish!) about much quoted and poorly understood historical events.

David Malinsky

Congratulations, guys! This latest project sounds really neat indeed!


I actually wanted a different writer. James is doing important work in other areas.


You mean South Seas? James has put together some interesting stuff (what he's written so far) - hope you enjoy it!


James is a man of many talents and no sleep. If he wants us to find him a second writer, we will, but for now we're happy as long as he is!


We expect him to sneak off in the night when we're asleep to save video games and such, but as long as he wears a mask and PRETENDS he isn't Batman we'll act like we have no idea he's doing it.


You can... but it's not actually up to us. ;) If you want to put a topic in the raffle for next time, you're welcome to bump up to the $15 tier, but ultimately it's up to our patrons to vote on the topics we cover!