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The Empire of Mali, which will become a series on Extra History in early 2018! Thanks to our $5+ patrons who voted in this poll - and who for once, managed NOT to make it a nail-biting photo finish. 8-)

Empire of Mali - Founded by a crippled man who rose to become a hero, the Empire of Mali was one of the richest empires in world history. One of its leaders, Mansa Musa, famously bankrupted the economies of several other nations when he traveled through them on his pilgrimage to Mecca. We will learn about the rise and fall of this great empire of Africa. 




That's so cool! I can't wait to learn more about Mali!


So my Second Topic of Choice has won, has it? AT LAST! A Chance to Quote Leonard Nimoy's Voice acting from Civilization IV: "In the beginning, the Earth was without form, and void. But the sun shone upon the sleeping Earth, and deep inside the brutal crust, massive Forces awaited to be unleashed. [dramatic music plays] Seas parted and great Continents were Formed. Mountains arose and Earthquakes spawned massive Tidal Waves. Volcanoes erupted and spewed forth Firey Lava and charged the atmosphere with strange Gasses. Into this swirling Maelstrom of Fire and Air and Water the First stirrings of Life appeared. Tiny Organisms, Cells and Amoeba, clinging to Tiny Sheltered Habitats. But the Seeds of Life grew, and Strengthened and Spread, and Diversified and Prospered. And soon, every Continent and Planet Teemed with Life. And with Life came Instinct and specialisation, Natural Selection, Reptiles, Dinosaurs, and Mammals. And finally there Evolved a Species Known as Man and appeared the First Faint Glimmers of Intelligence. The Fruits of Intelligence were many: Fire, Tools and Weapons, the Hunt, Farming, and the sharing of Food. The Family, the Village, and the Tribe. And now it Required but One more Ingredient: a Great Leader to Unite the quarrelling Tribes, to harness the Power of the Land, to Build a Legacy that would stand the Test of Time: a Civilization." <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZlWmYe8HM4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZlWmYe8HM4</a>


As the person who'll be writing the series... me too! I did some preliminary research before listing it as a topic but I'm excited to do a deep dive. :) -Soraya


Thrilled that there will be another African series. It's generally pretty tricky to find good historical accounts of pre-European African civilizations, and many early accounts had a Conrad-ian view of the continent. Anyway, this is a great way to begin my support as a patreon, and stoked to learn more about this other than usual tropes of Mansa Musa's economy-crushing wealth.

Ryan Wojciechowski

I have no idea what the empire of Mali is so I am super excited to learn about it!!!