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Link: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/efqiwwmi

We overcame weird travel times, bad internet, and wonky laptops to host a Q&A session with James and the $5+ patrons! The archived video is free for everyone to watch, so if you sit down with us, we hope you have a good time!

P.S. Crowdcast was being extremely badly behaved, so the questions do not appear on screen and the in-video navigation doesn't work. Sorry. :( Hopefully they get this sorted before our next stream with them. -_-


EH Patreon Q&A: Sep 27 @ 1pm PST - Crowdcast

Register now for Extra Credits's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Wednesday September 27, 2017 at 1:00 pm PDT.



Just watched -- much thanks James!

Bill Lemmond

Hey, James, This video quality is so much better than the graphic of Abraham Lincoln, composed of about a dozen squares, that is still recognizable. If you were trying to present graphics, would be a problem, but the sound is the main thing, and it's working. :) Also, I'm old enough to remember watching live video from the moon with Apollo 11. So I'm primed to stick with fuzzy, blurry video, when it's important, and I really want to be here. :)

Bill Lemmond

Oh, bus. There goes the sound. The first time the sound pooped out, I couldn't understand you. The second time, I could understand the pole arm comments. But wow, is it distracting. And sound just dropped out entirely, for one second.

Bill Lemmond

Okay, I listened all the way through. I loved James's points about modern situations in the middle east, and also wish the European Union had admitted Turkey. Buut when the sound got garbled, that was difficult for me. I'm sure you won't let that mess happen again. Don't worry so much about the picture; it's the sound clarity that really matters.


Can't promise we won't let that mess happen again, to be entirely honest with you. James travels a lot, especially this time of year; his next Q&A will also be on the road, more likely than not, and whenever that happens we are completely at the mercy of his internet connection... and sometimes at the mercy of his laptop crapping out unexpectedly, like it did here.

Bill Lemmond

That's okay. So long as you do all you can, we'll be okay with it. And as I said, I remember watching really grainy video from Apollo 11 crew on the moon.


Might be worth it to have an extra camera or even just a mic that records the session separate from the stream. Then you have backup when things go bad and/or can make some edits.