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We're hosting a staff-and-fans party immediately after our PAX panel on Friday night. Tickets are on sale NOW, and they sometimes go fast, so if you're gonna be at PAX and you want to hang with us after the panel, jump on those tickets ASAP!


Extra Party! (the official Extra Credits meetup at PAX West)

Come hang out with the crew of Extra Credits and fellow fans of the channel! Eat, drink, play games, find new friends, and make merry memories! The Extra Party takes place immediately after the Extra Credits FAQ Panel held at PAX West. However, no PAX badges are required for entry to the Extra Party!



My Sheep would probably object to being run into a Recently Captured Polish City by a Swedish King. Mind you, they'd probably also wonder what on Earth they were doing in the 1700s as Sheep don't have a very long Lifespan, as far as I Know, and lack the ability to Travel Backwards through Time.


I would if I could. Sadly, I'm unable to travel for the foreseeable future.


This feels like a comment posted in the wrong thread, so maybe you got confused along with your sheep. ;)


I know very, very much of history. But something new I learned form the last episode: I didn't know that british prime ministers was in charge of fireing polish kings!