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The Extra Credits team is going on a holiday break! Extra History will be coming out this week as planned (December 20), but then we're taking a few weeks off to rest up with our families. Unfortunately, with everyone's holiday plans, we weren't able to find a time to get the team together for a Q&A. But we've got a present for you before we go! Dan's put in a lot of extra time to make an Extra Remix AND a Design Club episode for this week. So we've got five episodes coming at you this week, with EC content every day from Tuesday until Saturday. Plus, there will be one more Extra Credits for you on Christmas Eve - just a little stocking stuffer! P.S. Sneak peek of Extra Remix in the image! Dan Jones showing off that GAME style.




Y'all have a great Holiday with your families, and thanks so much for the extra-credits, extra-history, extra- effort!


Have a happy Holidays you guys derisive it <3


Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Game Design (episode)! You've really gone for it with these presents. Thank you for all your effort. I hope you enjoy your time off with your families :)


Happy holidays! Everyone deserves a break around this time of the year.


Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Holidays to all you fine folks, and considering how enjoyable your new show has been you've really earned it this year :)


Happy holidays, enjoy the well deserved rest!


Everyone deserves a break. Looking forward to seeing the even more uncommon stuff (Design Club, Extra Remix) before you go. Happy Holidays!


Cool Christmas present to us fans of the series, thank you guys, by away Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and enjoy your break. You all earn it.