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Delayed post: Sorry folks, it's been pointed out to me that this episode went up on YouTube but not on Patreon! This was originally released on June 20. Hopefully most of you caught it there, but for those who like to chat with us in the comments here, we wanted to make sure you got that opportunity - even if it's out of order!

 Vive la Résistance! Learn about the French people who risked everything to take their country back from the Germans.

New players! Download World of Tanks and use the code NEPTUNE for free goodies: http://cpm.wargaming.net/ivmqe6kc/?pub_id=2017_Video_3 


D Day - III: La Résistance - Extra History

Sponsored by Wargaming! New players: Download World of Tanks and use the code NEPTUNE for free goodies! http://bit.ly/2rxa5qC European Players: Check out the Extra Credits' Choice bundle in the premium shop: http://bit.ly/1NATaJl Although the French government surrendered to the German invasion, French people rose up and formed resistance groups to take their country back. Charles de Gaulle and his Free French took advantage of these independent movements to help organize actions that would greatly aid the Allied landings at Normandy. Support us on Patreon! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon (--More below) __________ Grab your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://bit.ly/ExtraStore Subscribe for new episodes every Saturday! http://bit.ly/SubToEC Play games with us on Extra Play! http://bit.ly/WatchEXP Talk to us on Twitter (@ExtraCreditz): http://bit.ly/ECTweet Follow us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Get our list of recommended games on Steam: http://bit.ly/ECCurator ____________ Why doesn't this series use the Nazi swastika symbol? James explains: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSjFUOA2oZM ____________ ♪ Get the intro music here: http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♪ Get the outro music here: https://soundcloud.com/wargmingeurope-993626143



Many thanks to the patron who wrote in to let me know about this oversight. :)


Never mind, I ended up watching this on YouTube with my Folks. I often forget far too much. ;-)

Sublight Monster

Thanks for this episode. My grandfather Charles Rocher was in the Resistance on more of the bureaucratic side in Jouy-le-Potier: making false ID papers for Jews and others, and helping them get out of occupied France. Sadly, he and several others were all arrested in October of 1943, and never came back from the camps.


Oh wow I thought that was just a glitch that affected me. Glad to see it's up! This was an awesome series. =)

Crissa Kentavr

Patreon will tell you when there's a locked post, just not what's in it..


It was my pleasure to be able to write about the Resistance and shed some more light on their story. I wish I had more time to talk about the Resistance in general, not just on D-Day! I am sorry to hear about your grandfather, but moved by his courage in saving so many lives at the ultimate risk to himself.


Thank you!

Bill Lemmond

And here it is! I don't know why I couldn't find Episode 3 in my general , all-creators, Patreon list. This is so good, and you did an amazing thing, that may not have occurred to you. You created a very recognizable Charles DeGaul, without showing his so-often-caricatured nose. Achievement unlocked: Respect!