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A group of grad students recently approached us to ask if we would be willing to share a poll with you, our Patrons, as part of their research study. We're always happy to support SCIENCE, so we said yes and here we are! If you're willing to complete the survey, please follow the link here: http://bit.ly/1uNhhNm



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Merci d'avoir pris le temps de participer à cette enquête. Votre réponse a été enregistrée. ====== Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey. Your response has been recorded.


Cool. When they post the results of their survey, please link us to it :).


But of course! I've sent my fair share of online surveys as well, so I know how good if feels to receive answers.


Is this for the good of all of us?


You might want to have them update the "thanks for taking this survey" page at the end. Not everybody speaks only french.


Ce fut un triomphe. Je fais ici une note: "ENORME succès!". (Seriously, was fun, helps science, way less dangerous than Combustible Lemons.)


Also true of English, and Google Translate helps us these days to the point of Chrome extension.


I teach survey questionnaire design (among other things) at Stockholm university. I have some comments on this survey that I'd like to share with the researchers, could you please hook me up? (I couldn't find any contact information while responding to the questionnaire...) The researchers can get in contact with me on marcus.berg [at] stat.su.se


I'm not sure if there'll be a link, but I'll happily share what they tell me about the results!


Yes! They said they've gotten almost 400 surveys from EC fans alone, which is a much higher rate than they were expecting. I'm just smug because it no longer surprises ME when you folks are the best. <3


Thanks for offering your help, Marcus! I sent them your contact address and hope that you do hear from them.


Thank you so much everyone!!! I'm one of the three students who is conducting the survey and you guys are just amazing. Almost 25% of you took it, which is twice higher than the usual rate. I can't even. Just wow. This study IS for the good of all of us. It will help us understand why awesome people like you donate to amazing people like EC. We hope that it will help creators understand better who support them and why, and allow them to promote themselves more efficiently! It is a very interesting subject for us since two of us produce music and consider Patreon as an incredible way to finance the artists and creators. We will make sure to give you access to the results of our study when they're available. It will be in french so we will tell you what are the main conclusions but we'll send you the whole document with pleasure if you're speaking french or just want to practice. :) Once again, this is 100% academic so we won't make any profit out of it! Thank you again guys, and thank you EC for sharing this poll, that's really super cool. Much love. PS: Marcus, I'm sending you an e-mail right now! Feedback is always appreciated, especially from someone like you. If anyone else want to send feedback, feel free to e-mail us at loic.marchat@hec.ca. Oh, and sorry about the few things left in french, we'll try to fix it!