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What topic would you like to see us cover on Extra History? Vote befoe 11:59pm Pacific on May 31 and let us know! You can select multiple options if you have more than one preference; whichever topic attracts the most consensus votes will win.

Deadline: May 31, 11:59pm Pacific

Current Series: Articles of Confederation (Completed) --> Bronze Age Collapse --> Great Northern War -->Bismarck and German Unification --> Your Vote!



As cool as he may be, I'm kind of hoping Khosrow doesn't win, since he was already touched on back in the Justinian and Theodora series; other parts of history (like Poland and Southest Asia) need love too.


I need a moment to think about this. I don't really know anything about any of these and they're all well off the beaten path, which makes them interesting and worthwhile as far as I'm concerned. I think I might skip Boleslav since early medieval kingdom founders generally interest me less than late medieval and renaissance state builders. Probably just my modern day bias speaking and not understanding the greatness of medieval kingdoms.