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Thank you to everyone who's supported Extra History! Another month has come and we super appreciate having you with us. But I want to ask you guys: how are we doing at this Patreon thing? What have you liked so far? Are there other things you'd like to see? Let us know in the comments!



So far so good.


For me personally it's just a good way to support you guys at Extra Credits, you're already giving me value for money with the Youtube videos. I've watched every single episode you've made and I'm glad I can throw some coins your way to support future episodes of any kind. Anything extra here on Patreon is a pure bonus as far as I'm concerned.


This is my first Patreon so I don't have anything to compare you with, but so far I've liked it. It feels like an exclusive community I get to be a part of and you're very good at community management here. Nothing to complain :)


i enjoy it. I'm just happy Extra History is back. I'd pay for it any day.


Enjoying the series quite a bit so far!


Pretty damn good so far.


I have no complaints! I've enjoyed the content you guys produce for a while, and I'm definitely enjoying the Extra History on WW1, so this seems like a good deal thus far.

Michael Chester

You guys are amazing! The series is fantastic for showing the human side of the history. Honestly, I'm not getting a huge amount extra out of the Patreon side, but in the immortal words of Stephen J Fry, shut up and take my money. (possible simple reward option: A look at your working notes and source list, for those that want to dig deeper into the history. Even if it's just a scan of a barely legible scrawl)


So far I'd say you're doing a fantastic job.

Kyle Clark

Liking it so far. Just need to get you guys another $3k so we can get extra history every week! :D


I love it. I just wish I had a better idea when new episodes come out so I can stop obsessively checking my email and your YouTube page everyday.


I like it so far. The only (and I do mean ONLY) aggravation was trying to see the current results in the next-topic poll as it was running. If that could be changed such that we could see how it's going, that'd be nice. ...and frankly, even that's just a curiosity point, we'll find out the results in the end either way.


"Are there other things you'd like to see?" How about James doing the macarena in a ballerina outfit?


I'm not sure if James takes physical notes, but I'll ask him if he has any "behind the scenes" material to share. ;D We're trying to make our sources publicly available; once we've got that organized they'll be added to the video description!


Every other Saturday! So the next one will be October 11, then October 25, and so on. :)


I COMPLETELY agree with you. I was so frustrated by that; I lost count of how many help files I read trying to figure out how to turn that option on. I'm going to find some new service for the next poll, because I do want the results to be visible. It was fun for me to watch and there's no reason we can't all have a poll-watching party together!


Really hoping you make the 10k, can't get enough of it. Being german, I _knew_ this stuff (it's all our fault, as drilled into our heads in high school), but you managed to make it way interesting

Adam Thomas

Great series, keep it up! On a slight tangent, as the Youtube channel CrashCourse have just done a pair of videos on WWI, which were released at exactly the same time as your first two were, I've found Extra History and CrashCourse History have allowed a fun comparison of presentation styles.


I've mostly treated this as a way to pay back to you. If you were to do more I would like "here's what we're studying now... Oooh and check out this cool thing I read about....and 'I wonder if this historical record is biased'"


I love the Extra History series! Keep it up. My only request for Extra history is a little more context as to where events are going. Don't get me wrong, I love the moment-to-moment narration and visuals and how they engage me as a viewer. They also help me to see the tragedy as it unfolds scene to scene. Still, I also appreciated how the Punic Wars series introduced seemingly bit players like the Scipios and Flavian and how they turned the whole war around in part 4. Until part 4, it seemed like a forgone conclusion that Hannibal would win despite the viewer's knowledge that he in fact lost. Keep up that wonderful writing!


I think it's fantastic so far, I like being able to support you guys to help make something great. Especially since I'll be teaching within two years, helping to get important information out there in an accessible form is awesome. I'm glad you're being very honest about the events and addressing them in ways people may not be familiar with rather than a retelling of it the same way everyone else has-that's what makes me happiest about being able to support.


Couldn't be happier to have Extra History regularly and some of those pictures are so incredible they're making my eyes watery. Patreon is doing it's job well, as far as I'm concerned.

Peter Marenthyu

You're doing great! You are one of the most active patron-page-owners that i am pladged to. Keep it like this!


Actually, I do have a request: can you talk about national pride during world war 1? I was watching Casablanca with my family last night. I was blown away by the scene in Rick's where the Germans rudely started playing their anthem only to be drowned out by the French anthem. I think at least my understanding of nationhood is different than a regular persons from 100 years ago because I was born at the tail end of the cold war. To me, it seems the idea of nationhood was much stronger a century ago, for better or worse.


I haven't kept up with too much beyond the episodes themselves, but those have been fantastic, so great job! If I think of any other critiques along the way I'll be sure to let you know, but so far I'm getting exactly what I'd hoped for out of this. :D Keep it up!


Alas, the end of the WWI series is already written. Nationalism is definitely an important part of both world wars, but since we're trying to keep our history episodes short and focused, there are some details that we'll leave out and the impact of nationalism in this war is one of them. That being said, our biggest hope for the series is that people will become interested enough in the topics we discuss to want to know more about them and start to research more history for themselves, so hopefully this means we are accomplishing that goal!


That's great to hear! I have been trying to keep up with the community over here. It's a bit smaller than say, Youtube, where it gets impossible pretty quickly.


I love this series, both my fiancé and I tune in every 2nd Saturday to watch the next installment. I'm particularly thrilled with learning about WWI my school glossed over the events of that and went straight to WWII. ive already recommend this series to several history teachers I know.


Man, I hope so. ;D Even /I/ get impatient waiting for episodes... I want to see the art, and I want to know what you all think.


It was a weird coincidence that theirs came out at the same time - I understand this is the centennial year, of course, and I wouldn't be surprised if they also had production delays that made them miss the "war begins" anniversary date. But I agree that it was fun watching them together, and I think the perspectives complemented each other well.


That's really encouraging to hear. It's great that we can still bring something new to the history when you've heard it before!


I think different series are going to go different ways on that. With this one, the focus wound up being very close to the events themselves, right down to individual days and even hours in some cases, so we didn't draw back for the big picture very often. However, that's something for us to keep in mind and I'll pass the feedback along to James!


I signed up to Patreon to get more Extra History, so basically I got what I paid for as far as I'm concerned!! :) Loving it, keep going and keep interacting.


If I had to pick out one thing that I'm most proud of with this series, it's that teachers can use Extra History in their classrooms (and some have written to let us know they already have). I'm really happy we can help in our small way, and glad that you're finding the content both useful and enjoyable!


I felt the same way when I first got the scripts. I also got the "Archduke Assassinated, then a tangle of alliances" lesson in school and since my focus has always been on much older history, I have to admit it was a lack I didn't rectify until we started on this series.


I love being able to support you guys for your work. I'll keep my meager donation going for as long as I can.


I really like the history series you guys are doing and would to see more of it. I wouldn't mind some more contemporary history in future.

Pixel Andy

Your patreon is great.


Seems fine. I don't check this page much though


Im liking it so far myself. Im still holding out hope you guys talk about the great influenza, its a criminally ignored pandemic that killed 20-40 millon people, but I rarely hear about it as anything more than a footnote. Read a fascinating book about it if you are interested. Still irregardless, im liking it and I am real happy I tossed money towards this. Ya guys are just great. :)


This is a great way to show we really love the shows, not only Extra History. I'm glad to support you guys and this makes every episode even more enjoyable. Thank you.


I love the sneak previews, especially the one with you drawing the logo. Any little insights like that (DVD extras, so to speak) are what I'm really looking forward to by becoming a patreon.


I created a patreon account just to support Extra Credits. And not necessarily for Extra History, although I'm beyond happy to see it back, but to support Extra Credits as a whole. I don't really roam on the Patreon page looking at people's comments and EC's answers. So the direct question of "how are we doing" doesn't really reach me. I simply watch the video, silently, never leaving a comment or a feedback. My view(s) is what I consider as my voting power. And my money of course :P. But if I were to leave a direct feedback at everyone's work overall, it would have to be "Great job. Keep being awesome, I love what your doing!" I know it may sound generic, you've probably by now read that quite a few times, probably in this activity feed itself. But I truly believe what I mean, and I'm sure everyone else does at the same time. So I hope this postitive, although rather simplistic feedback makes you all smile at EC. So, thank you for your great work. Thank you for the entertainement and education you provide to me, my family, my friends and everyone else. Thank you very much Extra Credits.


I pay to keep the show on the air. The show is on the air. Color me satisfied. 10/10, would pre-order and buy all the DLC.


Hadn't paid much attention to Patreon before this, but it's been looking good so far. My only real request would be more videos (come on, $10,000!), so keep up the good work.


Absolutely love the series, and Extra Credits in general. Since there are so, so many things you could talk about, maybe don't always make a series? Obviously this would depend on the topic--for things like the Second Punic War and WWI, a series is necessary to avoid an hour long video (which I would watch anyway)--but I'm sure there are many suggestions you've received and will receive that could be done in one or two episodes. Keep up the awesome work!


I got on Patreon for Extra History. There have been other youtube channels that I really wanted to support, but you guys were the ones that I felt strongly enough about that I did. I don't really know how to answer a question like how are you doing, because I think the status quo is pretty perfect. I would really like to see Extra History every week, but I realize that at a certain point, one bit of Extra Credits would have to be sacrificed for that, and I don't know that I'm okay with that. I'm looking forward to the Sengoku Jidai series. I would have thought WW1 would be a fairly boring topic, but as interesting as you've made it, then I'm really looking forward to seeing how you handle a topic that I don't know as much, and a topic that seems much more interesting.

Unusual Unity

What do I like? I like that fact that you're doing this at all. So much of what we see in our education when it comes it history is do desperately dry and boring. History becomes fascinating once you allow the details behind and around events and people to shine!


Am totally getting what I paid for! Is it working for you guys? Might this be commercially viable for you all?


You guys are being incredibly responsive and conscientious of Patrons. It's really nice to see that appreciation. Not only that, but your content is consistently excellent. You'll continue to have me as a Patron so long as this continues.

Tammy Spiller

I think you're doing great; it's funny and informative and I like how you keep in contact with your patrons. Keep it up!


In my primary education, History has always my least favorite subject. Even the teachers that tried to make it interesting didn't succeed the way Extra History has for me. Keep up the good work! Has anyone tried exposing this to public school teachers, see what they think? I could definitely see it becoming a part of some curriculums.


So far doing great! Excited to see where this goes and behind you guys all the way!


The multiple "update" messages with just stills from the next episode is kinda annoying. I like the updates on what we're gonna do, and where it's going to go, but not so much the "look at this sneak peak!" stuff.


Basically, I just love it!


The responsiveness is fantastic, and the videos are top notch. I also enjoy the artistic sneak peaks. One thing I would like to see is the ability to check out polls while they're actually running. I went in and voted for one, but when I tried to check out the results, it told me it wouldn't let me until after it was done. I understand not wanting to bias non-voters with poll results, but after I've voted, I'd love to see what's in the lead and where.


I only have a Patreon account to support this show. I am personally irritated that you have not gotten to your 10K goal yet and I keep trying to get everyone I know interested in the show so you can possibly reach it.


I recently went home and showed my sister the series, at which point she became upset that she didn't remember any of this from school, and that there were no more videos. The series has been even better than I hoped, and I look forward to being a patreon for a long time.


I'm really enjoying the content thus far. It is very engaging and very easy to share with others that may care about history. Honestly, I don't care that much about WWI, but you guys genuinely make it far more appetizing to watch than if it were delivered 'normally'... So thanks for the content and await future episodes. My requests would probably be WW2, Vietnam, Bay of Pigs, throw some Plato and Socrates in there...


Excellent job on the content! I am thoroughly enjoying EH, and I feel that my money is well spent. This is what I want you to remember for the rest of this post. While your content is great, I feel the backer rewards are... lacking. For episode 3, I received my early access at around 11:30 the night before the episode came out. By the time I discovered the email the episode was only an hour away from being published. That didn't feel too special. I feel like unless it's more than 24 hours in advance it doesn't feel like early access. Now, I'm guessing that you all are working on these down to the limit, so releasing something over 24 hours in advance wouldn't work, because I would hate for you to delay delivering your awesome content to the world. So, here are some thing that I think would be cool early access alternatives: 2 minute preview. I think a backers only 2 minute preview a couple of days before release would be a cool reward, and would be preferable to a 9 hour early access to the full episode. Blooper real. While I often have the feeling that you all are more than mere humans, I'm sure you make mistakes anyways. And I'm sure that sometimes those mistakes are funny! A backers only behind the scenes peak like this would be a fun bonus. In summary, you're already doing plenty, and have exceeded my expectations. But if you're looking for areas to improve, they exist.

Kaitlyn Sprague

I think I may have said this to Daniel Floyd when my husband and I were speaking with him at the PAX party: I don't care really what topics you guys cover. My husband and I love everything you've come out with so far and will likely continue to do so. I'd like to add an addendum to that. I've never been transported into a narrative in the same way as Chapter 2 of your current Extra History series. The product you guys produce for a three to five minute youtube video is more riveting to me than most full length movies. It is amazing. So, we think you are doing splendidly. We are simply ravenous for more. ** Slightly off topic, but for your traditional Halloween episode you could talk about Weird Fiction's impact on suspense and horror games. I'm currently playing through 'The Vanishing of Ethan Carter' and it occurred to me how its theme feels born of William Hope Hodgson's 'Carnacki stories'. Maybe you could even fold in how he died at the battle of the Somme? Seriously, the man received a medical discharge after he was injured (by falling from a horse) early in the war and reenlisted. He was killed after he volunteered to man an FOP and a mortal shell hit him directly. ** Tis' a suggestion, my husband and I will be happy no matter what you guys do. :)


Honestly, until I received the email about this thread, I didn't realise there was more to the process than simply donating some money, and I wouldn't have minded at all if that were the case. I only intended this as a show of support for the direction you're headed, but if I get to pipe up with some feedback every now and then, all the better. Keep it up guys, Extra History is pretty much my favourite thing on Youtube.


I was a big fan of Total War since Shogun 1 came out and have followed almost all of the games that came out since. At much of that joy came from the lore of the game, which in those cases also happened to be what had happened in real life., which made it doubly powerful. So needless to say I was overjoyed at the series on the Punic wars, and that passion for storytelling history, and the events that transpired was great to watch. Then to continue that style and high standard through to other historical events is inspired and always so very engaging to watch. I personally don't care which topic you choose next as I'm sure you'll get to them all eventually, and I have absolute faith you'll do them all justice. Much like the EC show which has become part of my weekly routine since the days of The Escapist. Also I had my first chance to talk to some local developers here last weekend at the digital Nationz expo in Auckland NZ. It was inspiring to see what a new generation was able to achieve already, and what they were striving for. I'd like to say your show (Extra Credits) has helped many of them either move ahead in the right direction and/or avoid the hidden pitfalls that come with developing games.


I absolutely love EH. I even tacked on links to the current series in my last email to my history professor. I signed up for Patreon specifically to fund EH. The way these videos are presented directly play on my main learning style, and I like the fact that the final production is not limited to the patrons, but freely available to the public. You guys are like PBS v2.0.


I think that y'all have been doing an amazing job. Nothing to complain about from me. Keep up the excellent work! And so much thanks for bringing Extra History back in the first place, too!!


Let me put it this way. I watched the video about the murder of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand one Saturday morning. That afternoon I was eating sandwiches an drinking lager just because I couldn't get that particular picture our of my head. You really make history fascinating and alive. Keep on the good work.


Contemporary history is unlikely, because there's not enough distance to allow for much historical perspective. Our cut-off point will probably be around WWII, though that's subject to what each individual topic would require.


That's totally fair. Just making sure there's good content when you do check it out.


We're just about wrapped up with WWI for this one, actually. We decided to keep each mini-series to four episodes, allowing us to go in-depth about a specific aspect of a broad topic (in this case, the start of the war) and hopefully inspire more people to look into it further. We could come back to WWI in the future and talk about it from that angle, but this time we're going to conclude with the declaration of WWI.


Thank you! Adding the new shows was a leap of faith for us so it's a very real pleasure to hear that you enjoy them.


I love them, too! And the notebook was my favorite so far. I'm trying to get more sneak previews and do them more often. I know I can get art (David sends us the works-in-progress for fact-checking) and I'm figuring out how to get more stuff like the notebook.


I have read it quite a few times, but it doesn't lose its impact. Honestly, I never quite know what to do with myself or how to express how grateful I am (we all are!) for the support that allows us to make shows like Extra Credits, Extra History, and the other new content we've debuted this year. It's pretty amazing to be able to work on something we love and believe in so much, and I hope we never lose sight of the fact that it wouldn't be possible without individual people like yourself who also love and believe in what we're doing here.


Patreon tells me you've been supporting since launch, so you kind of did pre-order. ;D Glad that you're happy with it!


I figure if we make the best Patreon of all time, then we can get more donors --> get to $10,000 --> have videos every week! (I want them, too. I geek out over every one.)


Hey, I love every show you guys have been putting out, and I've been here since you were on the Escapist. While I like supporting this Patreon, I have to ask if their are other donation pages for your other shows like default Extra Credits.


That's something we've talked about, actually. Right now we've got a lot of broad topics we want to talk about, but it may happen for the right subjects.


Super honored that you felt strongly enough to sign up for this one! I know signing up for new services (especially ones that involve a credit card) can be a pain in the butt. Also, I've seen the first scripts for Sengoku Jidai, and let me just tell you that it reminds me a lot of the tone for the Punic Wars series... which I, personally, LOVED.


That's how I feel about it, too! Whenever people ask me why I majored in history, I always tell them it was my cunning ploy to continue being in kindergarten on into my twenties. Going to class is like sitting down for story time (only the stories happen to be real)!


YES! It is working! Launching a show like this would have actually been impossible without Patreon (we were worried even /with/ Patreon) but it's done a world of good getting this new show on an even keel, which is really hard to do.


Thank you! I do try. I don't always get to respond to everything (though I always wish I could do more) but I made sure to carve out some time to discuss this with everyone this month, and I have been keeping an eye on my emails to make sure I answer all the patron questions that come in that way.


Thank you very much! Glad you're enjoying the show, and I'll definitely keep checking and responding as often as I possibly can!


A few history teachers have emailed us telling us they've used EH in their classroom, and we've also received emails from students who tell us they watched it in class and really enjoyed it. It's a huge morale boost whenever we hear these kinds of stories. :)


Hmm. I get mixed messages about that, since some people really like them (and want more) but I certainly understand that if you don't want them, it winds up being spam to you. It being spammy is actually one of my concerns in posting it, as well. I may chat with the Patreon folks (who are very nice folks) about giving people a bit more control about which updates they do and don't receive.


Yeah, that really drove me crazy, too. In the end, I couldn't get that poll program to do that for me, so I'm looking into a different service for the next one. I want to share the poll results, too!


Haha! Thanks for spreading the word! You can tell them... we have cookies! And then if that works, let me know and I'll post cookie pictures for them. (Scott actually made something like 200 cookies that we wanted to give away during PAX, but we were told we couldn't because of convention center regulations - not PAX's fault. I want to tell you I was disappointed, but since I wound up "helping" him "find new homes" for those cookies "in my belly," I can't honestly say my disappointment lasted very long...)


There will be more videos soon! Well, like one every two weeks. But one day, I dream that the Extra History archive will be as vast and glorious as the Extra Credits archive is now, and people who binge watch will come out of it shaking their fists at us for taking away entire weeks with our history education.


We do try! One of the things we hope to do with the (relatively) short four episode runs on a topic is focus on a specific aspect of the story so we can really draw out what's interesting about it. Hopefully that leads to more people finding they care about subjects they wouldn't have wanted to learn about before!


Oh, man, my apologies for the last Early Access episode being so late. There was an error with the upload, and I need Dan's help to fix it, but he was at work by the time I noticed. Every other episode has been uploaded 24 hours in advance, and I'll do my best to keep us on that schedule in the future. 2-minute previews might be hard because we'd have to convert and process all the files (which we normally do in one go, and just for the final cut, because it takes a while) but bloopers is something I'll explore. Most of our art mistakes are just accuracy errors, nothing too exciting, but I'll see if Daniel has any fun flubs from his recording sessions to share in the future!


I'm with you. Chapter 2 of this mini-series has been my favorite, and it's a favorite in a great crowd, which is saying something. James is already writing the Halloween episode. I can't tell you what it's about (secrets!) but I will let you down easy and tell you it's not about Weird Fiction. But hey, maybe he'll check out "The Vanishing of Ethan Carter" for James Recommends!


Interesting! There have been a couple of posts before, but I guess they slipped by your inbox. In any case, hope you drop by from time to time now that you know this is here!


I am very satisfied and very impressed with what we have seen so far for WW 1, i am not really interested with the Sengoku Jidai for the next episodes but i have faith that the patrons will vote better next time. Anyway keep up the excellent work you do.


James has mentioned talking to a few developers who definitely did take suggestions from Extra Credits into account when making their games, which is pretty fantastic. There are of course a lot of factors beyond Extra Credits, but we are definitely seeing some very interesting changes to the industry and to the types of games that come out, and it's all very inspiring to see. If a few of those new developers happen to find Extra Credits useful, and also happen to check out our other content and discover a love for history as well, so much the better!


Oh yeah, definitely keeping these freely available! We want Extra History to be a teaching tool - in classrooms, sure, but also in living rooms, since people don't stop learning when they leave school - so it's absolutely essential that it be freely available (with internet connection... which I only wish were free).


David did an absolutely amazing job on the scenes for that episode. He does an amazing job on all his art, mind you, but I'm not surprised the sandwich scene stuck with you because I remember seeing it for the first time, too: a full screen of beautifully colored and detailed art that popped out of nowhere and just made me murmur a "wow" all to myself.


Right now there is not, although money that supports the Patreon does help us a lot as a team so it indirectly contributes. Donation pages for other shows may be something we discuss for the future, but we didn't want to seem greedy by launching a lot at once, and we're very happy that so many people have chosen to support us here at all!


Sengoku Jidai might surprise you! But if it doesn't, there will certainly be other topics in the future that I'm sure will hit your interests more directly. :)


Really liking it! Chapter 2 was particularly awesome. If I had it my way, Extra History would be mandatory for schools - hell - for everyone! (along with Bill Bryson's 'A short History of Nearly Everything :0D) Don't stop, folks!

frank sands

I was never a fan of history until I saw the first EH episodes to promote Total War 2. I am officially hooked, Extra History, and Extra Credits in general, is my favorite youtube channel. Keep up the awesome work. I find also amazing that you decided to keep EH episodes free so that everybody can watch. As an aside, I tried buying the intro song on groove shark but it didn't work. Do you guys know where I could get it? I always loved Actraiser.


I initially backed this because I thought that the first run of Extra History was a brilliant idea. I'm a long time fan of Extra Credits and I was most certainly not disappointed. Well done. I love the fact that you are leveraging your popularity to promote a broader understanding of history, something that is often all too lacking. I've recommended Extra Credits and Extra History to pretty much anyone who'll listen. In terms of style, I've found you to be very entertaining. One of my classics major friends remarked that not only was your account of the Punic wars more accurate than she expected, but also that if her lecturers had been as engaging as you she would probably have done quite a bit better [paraphrased for polite society]. Out of curiosity, are you accepting suggestions for potential future topics? Given the current geopolitical situation I think a series on the Irish Troubles could be very interesting.

Riane Torres

Loving your newest series! I'm satisfied that my investment is worth it.


I love the art and the approach that you guys take with the show. It makes it a lot of fun to watch, but I also feel like I am homeschooling my kids when I watch it with them!


You guys are the best! Love all of your series. Patreon is a great way to give a little back.


Chapter 2 was my favorite, as well! Well, you know, as favorite as something can be that involves tragic misunderstandings and the loss of life. But it was good to hear that detail on a story that, at least in my history classes, had been glossed over.


I'm not sure there is any place to buy the song, unfortunately. It was a hobby project for a Japanese artist who's hard to reach.


How are there classics professors anywhere that aren't engaging?! Maybe I was lucky, but mine were fantastic - I always thought that the sort of person who cares enough about 2000+ year old events to not only dedicate their life to them, but then get in /heated debates/ about them has got to be an interesting personality. If you donate at the $15 tier or above, you can suggest a topic which may get picked from a raffle. Beyond that, it's up to James what else goes on the list.


I'm happy to hear you enjoy watching them with your kids! History deals with serious subjects sometimes, but we are trying to keep the overall series reasonably PG so parents and teachers can use them.


Well I acually found Patreon before you guys started yours. And if I remember correctly I even recommended it to you via Twitter. I live in Germany and the way Creators normally get their money here is just broken. Just read about the GEMA and then you will know why. If I wouldn't know my way around I even couldn't watch content I paid for via Patreon on YouTube becase it's blocked due to a disagreement between Google and the GEMA. But hey Patreon works! It promises me that I can throw money at creators for what they do and indeed I can. And since I already loved your content it wasn't even a question if I pitch in. Just a question about how much I pitch in. But I actually don't use the communication via Patreon that much often. I often even forget to watch the prerelease content and see it in my YT timeline first. Then again I love that I have the chance to do so. And I just can't wait for a WWII series. Because honestly I live and was born in Germany but I don't know that much about it. I know more about the punic wars because of you then I know about WWII. Thinking about that I'm one of the first generation which didn't experience the WWII first hand I maybe dont even want to know how much knowlege is left in the newer generations. The shool teaching sure isn't getting better here...


I'm a huge fan. Great stuff, Extra Credits! Keep it up. The WWI section has made my history major heart swell!


I'm happy with Extra History. But I would like the option to donate per Video, INCLUDING Extra Credits - That's my main interest and I would like to pay per video watched...


i'm extremely happy with the service, i showed it to my friend who teaches 6th 7th and 8th grade english and he said he's showing it to the history teacher for him to use. on a more personal note i haven't ever really studied the first world war so this all is teaching me something that i've just never known.


That's not an option that we have right now, although as Patreon grows I know they're talking about adding further funding options. So we'll keep an eye out to add options allowing that!


That's awesome! Glad that you know of a teacher who can find them useful, and also that you're learning more about this story for yourself.


I hadn't known about GEMA, so I had to do some reading, but thank you for bringing it up so I could learn about it - it's certainly good for us to be aware of these things. I'm glad that you've found a way around the restrictions, and that you're enjoying the show. :)