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Ok so I have a bunch of short stories about mermaids I want to draw.

- Shark bite -> merge with sharks.

- Mermaid in a pond deep inside the woods lure the adventurers and make them stay with them.

- Food serve on mermaid (maybe eating mermaid egg if possible? lol) - like the mermaid do that with their partner.

- The pack of clownfish with all males and 1 queen, until the queen dies and her partner becomes the new queen.

- Horsefish: male pregnant

- Seaworm: dick fight, who lose will tg into female and get laid.

Or do you want to know about Paimon past story? He was summoned by a cult and trapped inside a woman body so they can control them but instead all of them were cursed and became Paimon's servants?



Is it Paimon from Genshin Impact ?


I like Paimon's story better than most of the short stories. My favorite story is "Mermaid in a pond deep inside the woods lure the adventurers and make them stay with them"