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Hey all! After an exhaustive (and catastrophic) video shoot, I have decided to cancel my Windows 8 Developer Preview installation sensation. Don't worry! I will revisit it in the future.

But in the meantime, since I have all this footage, I thought it'd be cool to share the deleted scenes with you! Enjoy 36 minutes of unreleased Krazy Ken!


Windows 8 Developer Preview - KKTM (Canceled Episode, Deleted Scenes)



I watched this while having lunch and found some segments to be enjoyable. The installer, OOBE and Start Menu as well as UI confusion and Control Panel comparison. I don’t think anyone needs to see Disk Utility for _that_ long, and it didn’t help that you actually seemed to have no idea what you were doing. Good acting around it, just do a little more prep maybe. It would be hilarious if you could revisit this and make it work on the ModBook with its Touchscreen! Bonus points if you can get it to dual-boot using Bootcamp Assistant.

Ken Doe (Computer Clan)

Oh believe me, my editor brain HURT when I left in some longer segments. This is something I'd never do typically. But for the sake of deleted scenes, I decided to leave more in. : D