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Hey guys! I'm releasing 2 videos this week—including the Lit Mobile follow-up. Another story broke this weekend, and I really wanted to cover it! Here's early access to the video I'm releasing later today: click here to watch.

Also, this story had developed since I finished the video. Literally, it had a big change about 20 minutes after finishing the video. But regardless, this is still an AMAZING episode to watch! I'll write the update below, but… spoiler warning…

Keep going down…

Are you sure…?

Great! So this video is about OpenCore Computer—who is selling computers with Apple's software pre-installed. (Which is questionable in its legality). Psystar did something like this and they went into a legal battle with Apple. Well, good news, it seems like OpenCore Computer had a change of heart, and they don't want to go down the same road as Psystar. Check out their website for their new statement: OpenCore.Computer 


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