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Hey guys! I wanted to get this episode out earlier, but as you probably know… certain current events have shuffled a lot, haha.

ANYWAY! Back in February, Jonathan Morrison made an Automator Workflow which opens 1,000 Google Chrome tabs. (The following still frames were screen-shotted from raw footage—no edits have been made).

His original goal was to open 6,000 Chrome tabs on a Mac Pro with 1.5 TB of RAM! He has since surpassed that goal, but I wondered… how far can a 2013 MacBook Pro (with 16 GB of RAM) go?!

Let's watch…

And find out!

I'll get the early access to you ASAP! This video will go public on Thursday. I still need to shoot more scenes (I'm planning to insert some mini skits into it) so I may get you some more previews soon!

On a side note, I'm also releasing a bonus, public episode on Tuesday / Wednesday. It's a small thing, but it's still a necessary video. Stay tuned!



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