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Hi! Thursday's new episode is full of roadblocks. Oh, well! With the Krazy Ken spirit, anything is possible!

So here's what was going on… my buddy has a MacBook Pro, and he wanted El Capitan reinstalled. He couldn't get Recovery Mode to work. I loaned him a flash drive with another installer on it, and it STILL didn't work! 

Then, oddly enough, another person contacted me with an El Cap install issue… on the SAME MODEL of MacBook Pro (8,1).

This intrigued me, so I dove into the issue, and did some process of elimination!

I'll send you the episode when it's ready! You'l get early access before it goes public on Thursday!

This pose kinda sums it all up. I can't wait to share more soon! Stay tuned…

P.S. I'm building an all-new set for future Krazy Ken episodes; this episode is the last one filmed in the old set. I'm working on an exclusive video which documents the set's development, but in the meantime, enjoy this behind the scenes clip! Click here to watch.



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