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Hey again!

I'm aiming to release this episode in the late afternoon on Monday—I may host it as a YouTube Premiere. Here's a couple more previews below…

iDevices may be backed up, restored, and synced via Finder.

Sidecar is a feature which enables your iPad to act as an extended touch screen for your Mac desktop. Since my MacBook Pro can't support this feature, I got a little creative with some vintage tech.

I think the Music app looks good in Dark Mode, don't you?

Here's the main camera—a Blackmagic URSA Mini—observing the installation of macOS Catalina Beta.

More to come! Keep your eyes on YouTube notifications / our email list.

P.S. Vintage Apple Vault episode 5—which will feature the Macintosh SE and Apple prototype computers—will go live Thursday at 3:00 PM CDT. The next Krazy Ken will release the week after : )



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