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Phew… I have lots of vintage-nostalgic subject matters coming up soon. So here's the scoop:

Vintage Apple Vault volume 2 is entering post-production, so we're gearing up to release a new slew of episodes! But, we'll still interweave some Krazy Ken content into the release schedule—including an episode about legacy Apple video applications—particularly Final Cut Pro 2.

Also, I'll be time traveling back to my first-ever iMac (and my first-ever Mac OS X computer). Oh gosh, I miss that old Front Row interface <3

Lots of good stuff coming for Krazy Ken and Vintage Apple Vault! Stay tuned, and thank you for your support!

P.S. I'm currently in the process of moving to a new studio. I'll provide some behind the scenes photos once things look a little… let's just say cleaner, haha.

EDIT: Internally, Vintage Apple Vault will have to be pushed 3 weeks, so more Krazy Ken will come out before we dive in to Vintage Apple Vault! The next episode will be the iMac / Mac OS X episode : )



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