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The Shortest Poll

  • Jujutsu Kaisen 514
  • Re Zero 518
  • 2023-12-22
  • 1032 votes
{'title': 'The Shortest Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Jujutsu Kaisen', 'votes': 514}, {'text': 'Re Zero', 'votes': 518}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 22, 23, 12, 35, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 1032}


for the fans that feel like they've had the longest wait



HOLY. I want both so bad but I'm happy either way.


I'm so hoping for re:zero though I'm not sure how much of a chance it's got lol.


Re:Zero is my favorite series oat everyone please vote for it!!


Newish here, is Frieren on the table yet for any future slots?


Never thought I’d be voting Re:zero but here I am…


In terms of series that have a lot of meat he can analyze I would go with Re:zero.

Mustardy Boi

I need Re:Zero to win




It's finally time for JJK to prevail, after all this time comind 2nd or 3rd. Re:Zero can honestly wait and I'm not looking forward of myriad explanation from us LN readers regarding adaptation, especially during S2


daaaaaaamn, this a toughie


jjk for me


Can I nominate "Skip and Loafer" as a balance to these two serious and emotionaly devastating animes? It's a very wholesome and funny anime with a sprinkle of drama but nothing world ending like in these two.


Either is fine, I'm just glad I can participate

Reuben Filimaua

I really hope Re:Zero wins. I don't know about the other series, but considering your content is real amazing when it comes to deep discussion... Re:Zero is the way to go. Not only is there such a deep mystery involved with the world and ongoing plot, but the character writing is layered with so much topics to talk about

Mitch W

Re: zero please

matthew bremmer

fiddy/fiddy, perfectly balanced as all things should be. This means you must react to both, at the same time.


Well might finally be time for me to see ReZero. JJK is just overhyped imo.

Gus N

I love them both but I gotta vote for Re:Zero because JJK has a HUGE popularity advantage right now.

Hayaku Eon

I'd say rezero. With how mappa treats their employees, I can't bring myself to watch jjk


Gotta say JJk


wow 50-50 for now, 15 min after starting. Everything will be decided by Re Zero haters :/


The first one is a good one

Payam Sharifi

I also watched Chainsaw Man before JJK but not like RIGHT before, so I'm interested how that'll feel. Not that they're super similar really, but there's enough there that it's hard not to make comparisons (and I don't think JJK can compare with CSM quality-wise tbh but it's a lot of fun still).


Please!!! I’ve waited for JJK so long and I need that satisfaction!

Payam Sharifi

This is for the fighting Friday slot so I don't think that would work but yeah Skip and Loafer exceeded my expectations, really wonderful anime.


I voted for re zero because i like it slightly more but either option is great




You're evil for this nahhhh. Both are too good


Not a fan of neither, hope you enjoy whichever wins


Season 2 jjk go crazy but park be goin crazy season 1 during those fight scenes.sure winner numba one. On dolla patron signing OOT. 10 pints in.


I can do either so I’ll just vote underdog for the tie lol


Noooo pls re zero we get like double the amount of content


I voted for jjk other than loving the show their are a couple of other reactors that picked it up recently that I need a break from it


They're so close! I really hope re zero wins!


A lot of ppl saying Kaisen has nothing to discuss but it’s so far from the truth, I remember thinking it was quite shallow during season 1 but season 2 has gotten to the core Philosophy of the series while also loving that it’s a battle Shonen, down to the scaling, the systems at play, the game like mechanics and how they interact with each other. It’s got its own atmosphere. (Mappa rant) I know the mappa situation was bad but I think it’s worse to avoid what was managed to be put out, you don’t gotta praise mappa the entity, just the animators, the VAs, the staff basically the people that bust their ass on it (rant over)

Shinsoo Graves

Please don’t make this a 50/50


Didn't like JJK and never watched re0. I guess I'll vote re0 and do a watchalong


You’re crazy if you feel like Re Zero s2 is a better pick, i’m a light novel reader and Re Zero s2 production and direction is abysmal thanks to WhiteFox losing a lot of its staff. There is nothing visually stimulating for teaboo compared to Jujutsu Kaisen. Re Zero s2 was only carried by the story and characters and those weren’t thanks to whitefox.


This is a win-win poll


I like both but I vote for re zero I'm sure teaboo will like it more


I think ReZ would be an more interesting watch through.

Yagi di Hoshi

This is craaaaaaaaazyyyyy


Agreed, I feel like those people are exactly the type of ppl that would benefit the most from Tee's discussion about jjk

Kaiki Deishu

They are both good. But as a reaction from Tee, i would choose re zero. It just seems like a much better fit.


jujutsu has nice animation but writing is kind of meh imo, re zero is a better choice


Re:Zero seems like the better fit for Tee! Think about the discussions.


Kaisen is amazing but I NEED to get my Subaru Crosstrek fix


I don't like Re Zero all that much, but I think it will make for better videos than JJK.


Tee would appreciate both series, but I feel JJK has more epic scenes and animation, sound effects, soundtrack, panelling, scenes, etc etc. Even though the characters doesn't have a deep level of character development they're still pretty likable

Selçuk Emre

how do people like re zero? first season was insufferable to me especially towards the end

Araragi Senpai

I love both series but I agree that he'd have more of a field day analyzing JJK frames for several episodes. Also these poor animators deserve some praise with the despicable schedule they're forced to work with, which included the 0 film as well.


JJK has its issues but this is the easiest choice of my life. Re Zero was borderline unbearable to sit through at times. Kaisen is at least actively enjoyable to watch.


shortest comment


The first season of Re:Zero was a great time and refreshing when it came out, with lots to discuss for sure... but season 2 onward is just an insufferable slog that I had to drop it. Voted JJK on this one


good show or re zero


I mean he's watching chainsaw man right now. Or maybe he finished it, but why pick another mappa show just because of the animation instead of going for a more story route this time?


If you want 2 hours long discussions like MT vote for RE0. If you want framerate and animation discussions vote JJK. Pretty simple vote.


More likely someone who cannot withstand second-hand embarrassment.


I'm not sure my heart can handle another JJK snub


the fact that the rezero anime holds its own even with the production says a lot about its writing quality. its foolish to brush it off just for its animation.


I can see ReZero winning I feel it’s more in line with what ppl would watch Tea for.


Tee, could you watch the Dragon Maid Season 2 OVA some time when you get a chance just to finish off the series?


I’m just here to watch the nerds fight lmao, either one is a win


C’monnnnn JJK!!




or someone who related just a little bit too hard lol

Kenju Storm

do you guys ever learn your lesson from intentionally doing this 50/50 crap in every poll?


Ain’t no way you thought season 1 was better than 2. Mr. Crosstrek is insufferable until season 2


Re Zero FTW!

Jordan G

re zero lets gooo


I feel like in the long run JJK probably will have more going for it, Re Zero seemed to be meandering quite heavily (Anime only I don't know about the Manga or Novels for each series)


Indifferent to both, so I'll pass to not rig the results 🫡

Shawn Smith

Why am I looking at a 50/50 split right now????


I love you guys ❤️


JJK is absolutely worth the time now that season 2 is wrapping up.


Re zero lets gooooooo

Juan Re

boomer thursday when :( (jjk win please)


Damn it's a draw tee now has to react to both 😂


meandering? having lots of character building and lore is meandering?


Do not stress out jjk and re0 fans, the time will arrive for either side :). We see the light at the end of the tunnel (hopefully it is not a freight train coming our way 🎶).


How does approximation work in Patreon polls? Always to the lowest integer?


Why does a monogatari fan defend jjk but hate on rezero? This is abnormal considering a majority of the mono fans like rezero


Lots to discuss on the season with less depth than its sequel? Lmfao


The poll results are sus


For the love of god let re:zero win, jjk is obviously getting another shot later. Re zero not so confident

Kaiki Deishu

The math is not mathing for me. Mobile app is saying 50% jjk and 49% re0. 😑

L0ken (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-23 13:54:21 Heck no, JJK multiple time came 2nd and 3rd. It would have won if Wonder Egg has aired it's finale and everyone saw it was a disaster and not give it votes
2023-12-23 13:52:57 Heck no, JJK multiple times came 2nd and 3rd, it was constantly delayed. It would have won if Wonder Egg has aired it's finale and everyone saw it was a disaster and not give it votes. Absolutely not sure if it's going to get yet another shot meanwhile Re:zero got introduced a poll ago.

Heck no, JJK multiple times came 2nd and 3rd, it was constantly delayed. It would have won if Wonder Egg has aired it's finale and everyone saw it was a disaster and not give it votes. Absolutely not sure if it's going to get yet another shot meanwhile Re:zero got introduced a poll ago.


Re:Zero matching Sorcerer Fight Club despite recency bias is nice to see.


I feel like it would be simple to use JJK for Friday slots and then re0 for Wednesday slots as Isekai Ojii-san will be finishing in a couple of weeks.


I would love to listen to Teeboo analysis of Re:zero :)


I voted for Re:zero


Resubbed literally just to vote for re:zero, extremely important show for me. I like JJK too tho so I'm happy with either.


Holy shit it’s tied 😂


Nooooo jjk ;-;


It's so over Jujutsu bros...


Closest poll I’ve seen. I don’t particularly care which one wins but I feel like re zero could replace isekai ojisan when it’s done instead.


I'd love to see Tee watch Re:zero, but I feel like JJK is a much better fit for the Friday slot. Re:zero sounds more like a Tuesday or Wednesday show to me.

Yagi di Hoshi

We're still at 50/50 ????


Re zero is a fantastic show but I feel like it belongs in the Tuesday or Wednesday slot quite a bit more, as the fights are not really the focus of the show like with jujutsu kaisen. They are definitely both worth watching but I feel like JJK deserves the Friday slot the most, especially since this latest season has taken the show to a whole new level imo


People out here saying ReZero is "just another power fantasy isekai" (you know who you are) have no clue. I bet they didn't even watch or read ReZero. Like holy shit you couldn't be more wrong. JJK is pretty neat, but please stop embarassing yourself. ReZero is really good. Don't downplay it just because you like JJK more.


Yea but what logic is that. You vote it out now its not guaranteed Tee is just gonna put it onto the Tuesday/Wednesday poll. I mean its fine if you like JJK more. But its not like we are voting who gets which slot here, we are voting which series is gonna be watched and which isn't.


While I am a jjk fan who’s never seen Re0 and I definitely want my show to win, absolutely agree. No worth in hating something you haven’t seen in this situation as if it’d help anything lol.


like every tee poll ended in a draw, that's why he switched to the superior format


I’m a fan of both shows but ur right that I enjoy JJK a bit more. I mentioned re zero fitting the Tuesday/Wednesday slot as more of a suggestion for tee than anything else. Obviously it’s not guaranteed to take those slots but it’s not out of the question and there’s no harm in bringing it up.


I don't really care how good Re0 might be when I have to endure having Subaru on my screen in order to get through it


I have exactly the same opinion. JJK is good but I've been watching anime or reading manga/LN for at least 20 years now. And ReZero is in my top 10. JJK isn't even close. I judge from a writer's perspective that could be the difference.


Well, that is the classic tactic from politicians, to shit on the other candidates, not a very ethical one, sadly.


Ahh, it would be great to finish the season of JJK, but damn re zero is so good


I thought Tee was doing polls on Google forms to stop people from messing with results


On the app I get 49-50, but on the desktop it says 50-50. Why is that? Simply the app sucks? Different approximation system? And when will this poll end btw?

Silver Bard Games

If the results stay this close, Tee will probably have to flip a coin.


Re:Zero is good BECAUSE of Subaru. He literally takes the narrative to heights unseen.


keeping things nice and balanced lmao.

Dane Byrd

Are people intentionally keeping it 50/50 or is this just the way it is? If only Patreon polls let you only vote once without changing it. I'm genuinely hungry for the DATA about how people voted for this before anyone possibly decided to swap their choice.


It’s absolutely intentional, which sucks to see. Pretty sure this is why Tee does Google polls and not this lmao If my show is going to lose, I’d at least like it to be fair and see genuine data

Gus N

Can Tee see whoever is changing their vote to tie it and just ban them from voting in a poll ever again please?


People... you understand that you are only wasting time making the poll 50/50 right? teeaboo will remake the poll in google forms where you can’t see results nor change your vote.... so stop the trolling and vote fairly.


its the usual people hating on shows for not having a cool MC thing. God forbid you try to do a different form of narrative looking at a world through a deeply flawed individuals eyes.


For some reason every time I vote after a few seconds the vote gets discarded, I've been trying for days now but it's not working and it sucks


Same thing was happening to me on mobile. It worked fine voting from the computer though.

Felipe Ramon Gama

I REALLY hope Re Zero wins this one as it is one of my favourites and I've never watched JJK, but if JJK does it I might as well finally have an excuse to watch it lol


rezero good jjk bad


jjk good rezero bad


jjk meh rezero nope


couldn't agree more with y'all. sometimes I hate Subaru, but honestly he is a well written character. I wont say more cause I dont want to spoil Tee, idk if hes reading these comments.


jjk rezero bad good


Jjk rezero


Still 50 50 :O

Gus N

Here's an idea Tee: Just ignore the stupid 50/50 poll and choose whichever you want to watch more based on the war in the comments!

Jordan G

Re Zero was winning briefly @51 and now we're back to 50/50. when will it end sadge


Ok, both are great, and must watch, now: It's Friday, fighto friday, finally weekend, I want to chill and have fun, would probably rather watch jjk or a reaction to it, 👍. A day like a Wednesday tho, middle of the week, we're not exactly chillin', still on working mode, now that's a day we can handle rezero. My two cents


At first jjk was fairly ahead when it was first up, but now the jerks made it 50/50 so tee will have to do a google poll instead

Jordan G

ah i see i see. i'm rooting for rezero but am fine with either one tbh.


Based opinion. I’m guessing RE0 will actually win but I want jjk


"I have no strong feelings one way or the other." This guy needs to watch ep. 15


I really loved Re0 and disliked jjk but I do feel like jjk is better for friday slots than Re0. I think Re0 would have better discussions which would make it a better replacement for a different time-slot. Still voting Re0 despite time slots since I really enjoyed it.


JJK is great, Re zero is great as well. I will be happy if either of them wins


What’s this?! Jjk pulling ahead?! For a minute it was 51-49

Yagi di Hoshi

I've not been so excited to see the results of either thing I've barely gotten to watch yet

Vis King

Well, the votes have tripled, and yet it's still 50/50.

Sai Neeraj Bobba

damn thats crazy, still 50/50 with almost a 1000 votes lmaooo. I do feel JJK is more Fighto Friday than Rezero. Regardless this is soo interesting lmaoo


people are trolling and keeping them at 50/50, in which they are wasting tee's time, yours, mine, and everyone else's including themselves.


people who hate subaru are the types of plebs to feel ashamed of themselves seeing when a loading screen appears and they see their own face


hondachads HOLD THE LINE


I don't believe in a two-party system, so can I please get a neither option :P


Flip a coin.


I'm a bit conflicted here. One thing that I've seen consistently said about JJK is how, while good, there's simply less to talk about/comment on with its material compared to most other things. I don't disagree with this sentiment, though I'm still voting for JJK personally.


Hope he watches the losing show after the winner. I like both

FULONGAMER aka Johannes Bowers

It is really a case of Re0 (a WTF-Wed show if there ever was one) and JJK (a Fighto-Friday fit, to be sure) just flailing at each other spitefully when the REAL Question should be Zom100 for TeeHeeTuesday as is has officially overcome its hiatusitis and lumberd to an epic completion.


Both shows are incredibly popular so, it shouldn't be surprising that people are split like this.


the wednesday slot won't be free until made in abyss is over, and honestly I really just feel like voting for the show I'd want him to watch rather than the show that belongs in the fighto friday slot more. I think re:zero just generally IS a better show, and whitefox's adaptation is just as good as jujutsu kaisen's. Maybe not animation wise, but buying up all the ad breaks in season two just for 30 minute episodes is dedication to a story I've never ever seen before.


animation is not everything when it comes to adapting a source material. id say the first season of re0 under sessha, a big ex kyoto animation animator, is easily a better adaptation than the first season of park's jjk (bro was also absent for almost one third of it due to him directing the god of highschool literally prior to jjk) but the second season of re0 adaptation wise is embarrassing. white fox losing so much of its staff showed in the final product and the 2nd cour was borderline unwatchable. sessha managed to direct and deliver one truly incredible ep in the 1st cour but outside of that there is nothing more of value to be gained than from reading the LN's. meanwhile gosso (directed ousama ranking #21 and csm #8) with s2, his debut as a series director, took jjk to new heights and managed to create one of the better adaptations of a shonen jump property while having less than a year to work with. its definitely rough around the edges but with more time it couldve easily been one of the best 2 cour adaptations period. its unfortunate but the end result is still incredible (and very much worth of discussion since everyone keeps bringing this up, even if we are just talking about the source material) and to compare it to re0 s2 adaptation wise is frankly insulting. episodes being 5 minutes longer unfortunately doesnt really mean much if its 5 minutes of uninspired shot reverse shot full of stills with empty backgrounds


I read through the comments and I was wondering how is it possible to keep having a 50/50? Is the system rigged or are there people who vote obsessively for their favorite?


Thanks for the recommendation I just put it on my watch list.


Also surprised to see so many people saying Re:Zero is much deeper and you have lots to discuss about compared to JJk. For a shounen, JJK definetely goes deep with its themes and characters compared to pretty much everything we know so far as a big hype shounen and it's especially so in season 2.


Pretty simple: there are a bunch of people who are just voting for whichever one to keep it at this level. You’re able to switch or even remove your vote whenever you want, so it’s not hard to keep things at a 50/50 like this to either have both shows be reacted to (not happening) or to make Tee create a different poll


While S2 of jjk is well directed, with better more dynamic scenes and far better backgrounds and compositing. I will take Parks eye for action/timing/camera movement of s1 over s2. There was something about it that i rarely see in majority of action anime .

Gus N

JJK definitely has a bit more to discuss than the average shonen for sure but re:zero is really just on another level, especially when it comes to the thematic, moral, and "analysis of storytelling through a mythological lens" discussions that we had so much of for MT. The only thing really detracting from it literally being 'the perfect show' for Tee to watch (imo) is that the adaptation cuts a lot of important stuff and the comments would be flooded with people sharing all of it, which is just spoiler hell.


i love both of these, but Re Zero single handily got me into web/light novels, so it gets my vote. I believe you'll love both regardless.


How tf is still still tied. Im crying 😭


Almost 1k votes


Nah i'd vote


JJK is cool and all. But against Re:zero I know which one I'd rather have tee watch by far


as someone who would love to see tee watch jjk more i think id rather he do it while s3 is out, especially with it being announced now. it would take him 2 years to cover both shows either way so i think i dont mind waiting and letting re0 take the slot now