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The pen in his car is for the audio drama, since you're not watching it weekly, highly suggest watching it after the final episode.

Generation Wumbo

I love this episode. The scene in the park is one of my favorites. Also, I don't want to be a downer. But I really think these subs are bad. I was watching the official release and Shangz side by side and it was just such a step down. To give some examples where Shangz is just straight up wrong instead of just being awkward, consider the conversation with Dobu in the car, official is first: At first, I thought I’d get my hands on your dash cam data so I could blackmail you with it->So at first, I thought about obtaining the dash cam data just to blackmail and sell it back to you. But Dobu isn't after money! He is blackmailing in order to get help! Another example from the same conversation: Withdrawn? Then her family must be satisfied with the situation.->Withdrawn? Then her family must have consented. They haven’t accepted the situation.->That doesn’t mean they’ve consented. But the family did consent to the search being ended! They just aren't happy with it. Shangz is wrong about the situation. There are also just tons of times where Shangz words things badly. Like again, from the same conversation with Dobu: There’s not much point in telling you about it so I won’t. -> I won’t tell you since there is not much point in telling you about it. Like what? Why repeat half the sentence. Sorry to write a long comment but Odd Taxi's dialogue is so great, it is a shame to see it mangled. Also, since I was keeping notes this time, I wanted to show my work somewhere (: At the end of the day, if you don't want to change, they are still based on the original subs and like 90% the same.


You got the through line at the end I think (1:03:40), and I can tell you why by explaining the episode title. The Japanese is "Tsukeyakiba in Goyoujin." Tsukeyakiba refers to a dull sword with a sharp edge added on to it so it looks impressive but it's actually brittle. Borrowed plumes refers to an Aesop fable about a crow that wears the feathers of other birds, so they're both referring to things that pretend to be more impressive than they really are. Goyoujin is just "beware" (I'm 99% sure Bodyguard is a mistranslation because it's a similar-sounding word). So the title should be more like "Beware of Fakes/things that look too good to be true," which applies to a couple different things in the episode (the missing theme). For a very direct example in the show, tsukeyakiba is the word Odokawa used that was translated as "makeshift" in his conversation with Shirakawa (her capoeira being the thing that looks more impressive than it really is, at least as far as Odokawa thinks). Also the green dot says "within 24 hours" so I assume that's when Ichimura was last online.


That's quite a nice pen. 😍