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Jovoni R Canty

Great reaction as usual. Just hoping you you stay with the dub. There's some main characters yet to be introduced that I'd really think you'd enjoy the dub voices of.

Pada Lee

As a fan of the sub, I’m very happy someone finally appreciates it. The dub is great but sometimes the jokes and characters are one note. I feel like it is somewhat overhyped by the vast number of people who praise it blindly because it is one of the few anime with a quality dub but never tried the sub or are put off by the original voices being Japanese in a very American/Powerpuff Girls style.


Yeah this series reaction is going down the drain. People complained about it being a reaction then complained about sub vs dub reaction. Any fun this reaction was / did have is gone.


I'm kinda happy about the switch to the sub. I'm still enjoying watching these since the show is very unpredictable, and I've forgotten most of it.


Also wow. That comparison was like a night and day.