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Very interesting episodes! Im watching alongside you (i watch the episodes on my own and spend some time marinating in them to see what i can gleam, and then compare notes with you)so it's a cool journey!

bravinto (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-22 04:15:00 Goddamn, ot always posts too early >.< anuways more thoughts: i feel that ginko in some fashion is like a traveling thetapist. Hes a counselor for sure. It seems like a lot of the times the mushi problems happen to people who have some sorta psychological problems - either trauma or guilt or maybe just born neurodivirgent and different. Interesting to keep track of which characters are able to see mushi and if they have anything in common... They guy in episode 8 is affected by the loss of his wife and not being able to make things right with her or find closure, and ginko gives him an opportunity to confront it in a semi- controlled environment, knowingly, amd close that Gestahlt. Very interesting! Also cool that the story is seems to be set in the old times, when there wasn't necessarily the division between sciences and spiritual beliefs - exactly where mushi dwell. Another thing that i find fascinating is that the show finds ways to connect a specific mood/state of mind/ type of trauma/philosophical and psychological isuue to a specific landscape and ecosystem. That's so cool!
2021-05-22 15:17:30 Goddamn, ot always posts too early >.< anuways more thoughts: i feel that ginko in some fashion is like a traveling thetapist. Hes a counselor for sure. It seems like a lot of the times the mushi problems happen to people who have some sorta psychological problems - either trauma or guilt or maybe just born neurodivirgent and different. Interesting to keep track of which characters are able to see mushi and if they have anything in common... They guy in episode 8 is affected by the loss of his wife and not being able to make things right with her or find closure, and ginko gives him an opportunity to confront it in a semi- controlled environment, knowingly, amd close that Gestahlt. Very interesting! Also cool that the story is seems to be set in the old times, when there wasn't necessarily the division between sciences and spiritual beliefs - exactly where mushi dwell. Another thing that i find fascinating is that the show finds ways to connect a specific mood/state of mind/ type of trauma/philosophical and psychological isuue to a specific landscape and ecosystem. That's so cool!

Goddamn, ot always posts too early >.< anuways more thoughts: i feel that ginko in some fashion is like a traveling thetapist. Hes a counselor for sure. It seems like a lot of the times the mushi problems happen to people who have some sorta psychological problems - either trauma or guilt or maybe just born neurodivirgent and different. Interesting to keep track of which characters are able to see mushi and if they have anything in common... They guy in episode 8 is affected by the loss of his wife and not being able to make things right with her or find closure, and ginko gives him an opportunity to confront it in a semi- controlled environment, knowingly, amd close that Gestahlt. Very interesting! Also cool that the story is seems to be set in the old times, when there wasn't necessarily the division between sciences and spiritual beliefs - exactly where mushi dwell. Another thing that i find fascinating is that the show finds ways to connect a specific mood/state of mind/ type of trauma/philosophical and psychological isuue to a specific landscape and ecosystem. That's so cool!

A Suresh

I've never interpreted Ep. 9 as a clash of inter-generational values before. This is why I enjoy your reactions to these shows so much. One thing I think is done really well, and so subtly that it goes unnoticed in the show is Ginko's growth. In this episode, we see him take a much more active approach with the head priest compared to earlier in the series. He even breaks taboo. I think this is partially due to how the guy infected by the dream mushi turned out. If he had intervened earlier and been more forthcoming, perhaps that man need not have lost his life. I think that experience changed Ginko's approach to handling these issues and it shows very subtly.