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So at this point much of the channel is now filled by shows with male protagonists. Let's shake that up a little with some girls. Some magical, some just extraordinary. 


Friday Poll

Girls Girls Girls


This is Fine

Please please please if not now then on your own time please watch Gunslinger girl. That show hardly gets any love and if you happen to choose to watch it I would love to hear you analyze and discuss the episodes. Anyway good luck to it and the other shows.

Juniper And Sage

Michiko to Hatchin's setting is so different from what we usually see in anime, that it's a much more interesting watch than all the others. Here's hoping.


I'll agree about the setting, but I'd hardly say its more interesting than Humanity has Declined.

Ai Kyuu

Remember to watch Panty and Stocking in dub.


Hard disagree, dub feels almost like an abridged series. Watch dub if you want South Park the anime, watch sub if you want to not be constantly bombarded with poop jokes/expletives.

Ai Kyuu

This is literally South Park the anime so whatever


the creators of the series literally used south park as inspiration. not to mention that gainax had direct control over the dub and told the staff to make it as crude and raunchy as possible


I suggested in the poll response that if Teeaboo were to do PSG, they should hold another poll with sub vs dub and weigh that along with their gut feeling on what version to watch. I know a lot of people prefer the dub because the dialogue is more outrageous and raunchy, but for me I prefer the subs, specifically for the seiyuu's performances, especially their voice tics, and all of the silly Engrish moments that get lost in translation.

Ai Kyuu

No need for more stupid polls. He can decide himself based on the first episode alone.


will you show the diagrams for this poll as well and not just which one won? I like diagrams and statistics a lot :D