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"But he's evil". Yes but he is also handsome and that trumps evil just ask Ted Bundy and Dzhokhar Anzorovich Tsarnaev admirers.


My FAVORITE arc now. Cant wait for next week. Chapter BLACK.

Jovoni R Canty

Really hoping an extra 2 episodes appear this week 😉 😉 the wait for next week is murder.


I feel there are two things Sakyo said that applies well to Tuguro first when he says "that's what I get for projecting my taste onto his." I feel as though everyone including the audience projects a bit onto what tuguro's motives are and who he is as a person. To me him sparing Kuwabara seemed like he was going for only what is nessasary to reach his fight we see him miss on purpose with the girls but he realizes thats not enough if the Kuwabara stunt didn't work I felt he would have actually went through with killing everyone. To someone else, it could be seen as him being soft not wanting him to go through the full extent of his pain. the only one who knows is Tuguro who leaves quickly and only drops the mask for a second just enough for genkai to see the humanity still left in him. The second is " motives aren't suspect just because you don't understand them." In all honesty a lot of what Toguro claims could be true, he probably did feel good killing reveling in his newfound strength. Testing the limits was probably part of his motive which is why he groomed not only Yusuke but also Bui and Karasu. The first two were probably supposed to be his max fight until he learned of Yusuke. Sakyo talks about him losing his smile which is probably due to the fact that Toguro then got the idea to settle his past and get his fight which upset him.

Yagi di Hoshi

No need to say half of these things yo

Princess Paladin

...The heck? What are you talking about? WHO are you talking about? I don't see any of that, except for your comment insulting people for explaining things.

Nevenga Games

I was surprised that you didn't check the japanese.

Princess Paladin

I'm confused what you meant by "rewriting stuff" on the ep 65 reaction. Those were the exact same lines as from the previous episode. Same for your line about "seeing it from his perspective." That's the same as last episode too! So when you say, "that's different", it's actually not at all! XD

Princess Paladin

Also, I maintain that Juri has no reason to go looking for a man to solve her problem when she has a perfectly serviceable fox girl right there.