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gloomy raccoon

happy frieren day, y'all:)


I've started saying "kono bongumi wa" every time I start a video of yours now. Soon I'll know the whole thing


39:52 Stoltz shares Hachiman's voice actor from SNAFU

Araragi Senpai

"Kono bangumi wa goran no suponsaa no teikyou de o-okurishimasu" is technically the correct one (The double o at the end is a form of being humble about it, it being the presentation of the sponsors) but it's too much trouble for a fun thing to do here so you can scrap that double-o part :p

Adam Young

Romania Black made a similar joke, that all of Frieren’s grimoire are actually salacious yaoi novels


Loved the introduction, as a fellow atheist I often find myself with a lack of interest in stuff because "it doesn't matter anyway". As a part of that mentality, too many times I indulged in haedonistic and meaningless behaviours. Every once in a while something clicks and I feel very engaged in something but usually this feeling quickly fades away... so I strongly doubt that your monologue will change drastically my life from now on; but, I must say: the thought that my actions could actually mean something in the fight against entropy is at the very least something stimulating. It might help me to get out of the mud when the time comes. So yeah, feel free to add me to the list of people thanking you for your videos.


Hey I'm glad the idea clicks to begin with, but hold the thanks until it actually moves the needle in application. I find it easy to be enamored of potentially useful ideas but more helpful to evaluate 'em after they're proven. Good fighting 💪


Add solipsism to the mix and things get pretty grim. Good thing that we live in a time where there's a lot of technological hopium. #BecomeAsElves

Muhd Wafri

The two most poignant parts of this episode to me were the reveal that Himmel was a hero by effort and not by destiny, and second the part where Stark's brother, famed for his pure white cape never getting dirty, knelt in the mud to help his brother. That there is a great show of character, and immediately shows what type of person he is without any annoying exposition or needing to say it. To me it almost had a similar weight to Aragorn kneeling to the Hobbits at the end of Return of the King, the "superior one" humbling himself and acknowledging the efforts of another.

Muhd Wafri

A lot of people who reacted to this had a reaction to the shots of the heroes sword and Stark, but what a lot of people seem to miss is that it's more of an implication of Stark looking up to Himmel, and by extension also his brother. They are the hero archetypes he believes he should live up to, but thinks he is failing to do so. The Hero's sword at the beginning made him think he is unworthy. This changing of course after Frieren reveals the meaning of the big borgar steaks.


I think I'm done. I've watched since early K-on days off and on. You spend most of the episodes making jokes instead of paying attention from what I've watched lately. You really seem to champion the effort that goes into producing an episode of anime, and then during when they've done a fantastic job of making something heart felt and emotional you feel the need to make a joke. I've come and gone over the years as you watch stuff I'm interested in. I can't say I've been here fully and constantly since day one, but I do feel like you're more in your own head as of late, rather than paying attention to what you're watching.


Alright, peace. Can't say I understand, but I'm grateful that you took the time to explain. Much love.


I’m not gonna tell you how to enjoy things but i feel like this is the most dangerous way to back yourself into a parasocial corner 😭 I don’t see how just because he reacted a different way than you thought, that it means he’s in his own head 🤔 he’s just reacting to things firsthand why does he have to be a robot

Marta Kira Ayanami

Oh, how did I miss this? Gonna watch rn! :D < 3