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happy re zero day everyone! im hoping for some good discussions from mr teea. Also Congrats for finishing the Prologue of the series 🙂


🤣🤣was worried about staying up so late/early, but then Tee drops this...totally worth it 🤘😆

Keith Merrington

Ah yes - the episode where Rem becomes best girl 🙂


Yeah Re Zero and Monogatari have been huge in my adolescence, helped me out so much it's ridiculous. They're my top 2 anime. Also, this is yet another one of the IF stories, the Sloth IF story, if Rem accepted. Cheers.


It's also worth noting that the author of Re:Zero acknowledges the animal's feelings, as well when writing evidenced by the scene with the dragon pulling the cart. When Otto yells at Subaru, "Don't move around; the dragon is already running at full speed and can't afford to be distracted by you." (Ep 17)

L Freya

I like your take on the 3 resets being way too premature to argue he's hit a dead end. It made me start thinking that maybe to some extent he can't choose his fate anyway. Like if the conversation with Rem never happens, and he "gives up" and lays on the street for a week or runs away for a week and the world ends, and resets. Then what? He does it again? And again? And 1,000 more times? Even 100,000 more times of laying on the street endlessly, depressed. Eventually, sometime before 10,000,000,000 times of doing nothing he'll get over it. He'll start doing shit for his own amusement or just to do something different. He can't kill himself. He can't end it. He can't wait it out (world ends soon, reset). Does he have a choice, really? So maybe regardless of Rem confessing her love and support, it all still works out eventually.


Nil here once again with Re:Zero Trivia. Something that is shown in the anime but not actually explained is something called 'The Divine Protection of Wind Evasion' or as the anime translated as the 'Windbreak Protection.' Rem mentions this at 11:08. As far as I remember, this is the anime's only mention of this but it is shown earlier in the anime with a certain action that Subaru takes in episode 12 that I'll explain a bit later This Divine Protection/Blessing is given to all Earth Dragons + Plus some lucky individuals. What it does is prevent the user from being affected by wind while running, in other words they completely avoid wind resistance. This is why Earth Dragons are highly valued as a method of transportation.


When the Divine Protection is activated, an invisible force field is put around the user. As long as you are within that field, then you will be unaffected. This is why cargo and passengers are also unaffected by wind despite not having the divine protection themselves. If you are too leave that field then you will be suddenly blasted by wind resistance. You can actually see Subaru doing exactly that on his way to the capital in episode 12 when he's being a goofy goober and opens the carriage door to lift his hand outside the force field which causes him to be blasted with sudden wind causing him to fall off.