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PiP Available on: Pixeldrain - https://pixeldrain.com/u/uRuiTjg7 WeTransfer - https://we.tl/t-0t0tp07c4Z MEGA - https://mega.nz/file/B50Q0AzA#2FnVUCG2cyX4QPJRdZaspkCB-w0tlKjQWF4d7Jmf0o4 PATREON https://www.patreon.com/Teeaboo


Shinsoo Graves

Aw yes, ZZ Gundam's first opening song, "Panda Ja Nai!"


Heavenly Pacts are one of the coolest ideas i’ve seen in a while


Really? Characters being gifted from birth has to be one of the least original ideas ever.


idk how much you know about them but there’s a lot of nuance, even then being born with a body that’s falling apart and can be damaged to the slightest touch is not something I would consider a gift


originality has little to do with quality of execution.


No generalization of an Idea is original, but what makes things unique and separate themselves from each other make it original. Yes people born with gifts isn’t original but that’s such a broad generalization that what’s the point even having a conversation about something like that? “Superman and the Xmen were both born with powers so they’re the same” It’s the nuance that matters and makes it original and unique and to a point the quality of execution.


if that was directed at me . Then im not disagreeing. People overvalue originality in media or at least they are loud about it . At the end of the day execution and the end experience is what matters .


@Nate I think I get what you were trying to say now. Nevertheless, I don't think the way you worded it in your first comment conveyed that meaning at all.