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Its been a while, over a month I think? I'm not even sure at this point, my attention was on lots of other things and it went off my mind.

First of all, I'm sorry for being gone for that long, 

I've been starting to consider if is worth keeping this Patreon around in the first place, those who have followed me since the beggining probably know I'm very active when a game first comes out, and then my activity steadily decreases because of other obligations. So going foward I'm thinking I will try to work more like my friend xxsjxx, basically work on less mods per month, but being more consistent. I think is better to work on something, but work on that something consistenly and getting it done, than being like me; Publishing 7 mods one month and then 0 the other.

DNF Duel is coming late next month, Dragon Knight on its own convinced me to mod it, but I'm not going to try to do the day 1 mod thing anymore, maybe a mod test but I don't want to rush releases anymore just for smt dumb like that lol. Recently I've been doing some work as a 3D artist which I feel will help step up my mods quality a bit, when it comes to mods in Arcsys games I've been never fully satisfied with the results, but I will do my best to change that for this game.
There's still a whole month and a half until DNF so I have to figure what I do until then... probably try to finish some stuff for KOF before I leave it for good.

Anyways tldr;

- Will try to work slower but more consistenly to avoid disseapearing for long. 

- Will mod DNF when it comes out.

Oh and one final thing; If anyone wants a refund for last month, let me know via DM and I will see if I can do it 




Thanks for your contribution to the community! Take it easy my friend


I was gonna ask if Angel was on the list but then I saw she won the first poll lol. either way keep up the great work and take your time