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Hey guys, its been a while... again?!

Wanted to communicate that after I'm done posting stuff for this month (which I will, dw) I will be taking a break, dunno for how long, but at the very very least don't expect me to post anything on february.

The mods I will be posting in the rest of this month are ones I've shown previously but never released plus some updates. I'm once again sorry because of how not organized my activity has been for a while now, but that's also part of the reason why I want to take a good break, and get things more organized when I come back... if I do, hopefully I will.
That being said, I won't close the Patreon itself, I will just put "ON-HIATUS" or smt in the title, that way people can still download my mods if they want to.
I will stop the billing thing tho so you shouldn't be charged even if you don't unsubscribe.


I'm not going to continue the FF7R mods tho, sorry, I simply don't have the time to learn the current workflow for it, but I'm sure 999 other modders will make mods for it so me not modding it isn't a big loss by any means lol. 




thanks for the update Fortunately, you did not forget


Get refreshed and come back. We will also be waiting leisurely.


Thank you Zai for the update and come back when you are ready


Why didn't you call it Zaitus?