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Like I mentioned I was away for around 2 week, didn't do a whole lot modding related things in that time because I was busy with real life.

But recently I was able to start doing some progress again on my Min Min mod.

Admitelly, I have been a bit out of the loop regarding Arise modding, so maybe someone else has already done a better Kisara in that time.

About the updates I promised a while ago, I did update the download of the Shionne mod to reference the physic blueprints properly now. And I think I figured out the issue behind some crash reports in my Rinwell mod.

Also there are two anime games coming out this week which I may or may not mod.



Akira Kurusu

Hey man! its good to see your doing well! it's cool, take your time, nothing's more important then getting things sorted out in life and stuff that need your attention! Question, will you still do your version of Kisara? yeah there is only one out there but im pretty sure we would all love your version of her too! she is the last girl to mod aswell so yeah, hopfully u do get too mod her!! :D 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💕💕💕💕💕💕💕


Great to see the update! Min Min looks awesome! I do hope we get to see more Smash ladies from you in the future as well, since nobody does it better :D

Tamamo Takamori

glad you're back! i'm still eagerly awaiting your kisara nude mod! one thing i think that would be cool tho is if you could do a muscly version like the bikini armor kisara mod rather than a soft, that would make me so god damn happy!


Agreed, I only saw one rough nude mod of Kisara on Lovers Lab. Be great to see you get a finished one with that wet body. It's the last thing Arise is missing...Please consider it.


Are you thinking of updating Shionne's last outfit?

Blood Ruby

are you done with kh3?


any progress on the ram nipple darkening?


I think so. My intention was never to be done with KHIII just yet because I still have stuff left to do but at this point I don't know I will be going back and I think is not worth telling people I will when I'm not even sure anymore. I know several people wanted me to do more stuff which is why it kinda sucks for me to say this but yeah, kinda giving up on that game.


Is on my "I will get to that soon" list... turns out to be quite a misleading name, sometimes.