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AI Enlarged base Star Trek Image by Arkbishop.


Kira had just replicated a fresh cup of Raktajino at the Replimat. The promenade was almost completely empty, except for some of the station's staff who were also starting their morning. For Kira her shift wouldn't begin for another 20 minutes and she had decided to pay Odo a quick visit before taking the turbo lift up to Ops. 

When she turned the corner she stumbled into Worf and Jadzia. Worf looked absolutely beaten. His eyes were exhausted, his uniform was crooked and his usual neat long hair was a mess. Except for the fact she wasn't wearing her normal uniform but a Starfleet-issue swimsuit, Jadzia looked fresh and energetic as always.

Jadzia her physical transformation was months ago now, but seeing her fully exposed like that with those insanely huge bulging arms that could snap a Jem'hadar prime warrior in two continued to be mesmerising. 

"Well good morning..." Kira said.

"Morning?"  Worf asked surprised, his eyes betraying his shock.

Jadzia only smiled in amusement. "Guess we lost track of time. But we had such a great time in the holo suits, didn't we dear?" She teased Worf.

"What is the time?" Worf asked. 

"About 07.50 now" Kira replied. "If I'm not mistaken your duty shift begins in 10 minutes."

"It does. Excuse me Major." Worf replied and wanting to dash off, but Jadzia grabbed him by his shoulder and pulled him back against her wide muscular frame.

"Aren't we forgetting something?" Jadzia said, her lips only centimetres from his. Before Worf could react she kissed him long and passionately, her hand grabbing him firmly. She let go after a full minute and Worf dashed off towards Ops. 

"See you after your shift sweetheart!" Jadzia yelled after him.

Kira looked at Jadzia with a big smile. "What did you do to him this time?" 

"Nothing!" Jadzia acted innocent. "I just thought it was fun to raise the level of his Klingon melee training program to my own personal settings, which I admit required a couple extra additions to the program. I told him he could tell me at any time if the program needed to be toned down, but he kept insisting he was fine." Jadzia raised her boulder sized shoulders like it couldn't be helped. 

"Worf will never yield and you know it!" Kira replied, unable to withhold her own laugh. 

"He was adorable. He really did give it all he had. But, I did show my appreciation after we finished the program." Jadzia winked. 

Both women laughed, before going in separate directions.



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