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Commission for Bobertoedits

Story by Adaras


“Are you sure about this Mon Couer?” Frenchie asked Kimiko in the dim light of the service tunnels. He could see her hands motioning “it's okay we need this” to him as she opened the case with a glowing purple liquid filled syringe inside.

They were on the defensive, a new wave of super charged supes had come out of Vought and they struggled to find a solution against it. Now they had the Compound T in their hands they might have a fighting chance.

“Merde, the moment we step out of this place that monster will kill us!” Frenchie groaned as he knew they had no choice but to let Kimiko take the serum.

“Let me help you with that,” he said as he knelt down and prepared the syringe, Kimiko taking off her jacket and rolling up sleeve.

“Promise me this shit won't kill you?” he said and she merely nodded with a small smile as he injected the liquid into her body.

Her breathing got slower as she closed her eyes and it didn't take long before she furrowed her brow and gritted her teeth.

She flexed her hands and Frenchie could see how her forearms began to bulge and build up as muscles tightened and grew. His eyes ran up her arms as her sleeves got filled out by her throbbing biceps and triceps growing equally with fervor.

He could almost hear her bones snapping and was pretty sure that if it wasn't for her regeneration she wouldn't be able to survive this kind of sudden growth.

He placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and was shocked at how hard it felt as she looked at him with sweat pouring down her face. She smiled but felt another bout of growth come over her as she doubled over and stood up, her back pulsing with layers of thickening muscles forming, and the sides of her shirt tearing as her chest expanded more and more.

The fat of her breast was getting pushed out by her slab like pectorals as her chest was quickly beginning to dwarf any body builder Frenchie had ever seen. His eyes went wide as her lats bulged out and her stomach was now just riddled with thick powerful abs.

Evidently her pants fared better than her shirt as they struggled to contain her tree trunk sized legs that pulsed and throbbed as Kimiko tried to adjust to her new weight and balance. her placing a hand on a steel pipe on the wall, and effortless crushing it causing steam to pour out into the hallway.

“Mon Couer? Are you okay?” he called out coughing and trying to wave the air away.

He saw her arm coming into view and was shocked to see that her upper arm was now bigger than his head by a lot. Pure massive and bulbous muscles.

Her chest was now completely dominated by the almost cliff like looking pecs and her traps bulked up behind her head.

He could hear her heaving breathing and walked closer and touched her arm

“Kimiko? Are you okay?” he asked and she turned to face him as the sheer mass of her body turning blew the fog away.

Her pretty face atop the massive mound of muscles that were her body, god he had not expected the serum to work like this but her unique power must have had a say.

“You there my sweet?” he asked worriedly and saw her bringing her hands in front of her, her muscles flexing and bulging as she did. He sighed relieved as he saw her making her signs.

“Im good! great even! Ready to kick some ass!”

“Formidable!” Frenchie exclaimed as he got ready to leave the tunnel which had gotten rather cramped with this behemoth.



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