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Another one in my starting year series of FBB I want to see more of in 2022. Sorry for the week of radio silence, but I've been down almost all week due to illness. I'm fine now!

Bonus addition, a fully story to go with this morph made by Amnoartist (https://www.deviantart.com/amnoartist)


The reporters had heard she was on her way. Readying their equipment and materials, they struggled to move ahead of one another, as though in a race, pushing and shoving savagely. This was an opportunity of a lifetime, a significant moment in the world of bodybuilding. In a way, the person this crowd vied to get the attention of, which was now screaming and yelling as she came into view, paved the way for the sport’s bright future.

The reporters believed the stories of her towering bulk to be nothing but gossip and hearsay, like an old wives’ tale told to children. But, as they ground to a sudden stop out of fear of running into her barn-door-wide back, they soon realized some stories do, in fact, hold truths. When she came to a halt before turning around to face the onslaught of shutterbugs, her booming footsteps caused the mounted picture frame to wobble and hang loosely for dear life, her immensity presented itself flawlessly; her lateral muscles were near-mountainous, comparable to freakishly protruding growths, mere inches from brushing against the wall. Her calves, laden with twitching veins thicker than ordinary peoples’ thumbs, had easily ballooned to match a football.

One of the reporters had seized an opportunity that discreetly presented itself; her associates too stiffened by disbelief, moving between them to get to the front. Playing ignorant to the groans of disapproval, she took a moment to fix herself up a bit before appealing to the towering hulk.

Jodi didn’t say anything. She was in no rush to, with her new, impressive, life-changing win on her belt. She would wear that as proudly as the smile she flashed at the nervous reporter. With each easy and calm breath, Jodi’s abdominals fluctuated in and out of their flexed state, compelling the distinctive muscles to bulge prominently. Protruding sharply, it looked as though she had eaten bricks whole and were sat stacked perfectly within her gut.

“Um, Harriet Dawes, editor for NPC Online,” the reporter finally willed into reality through a tone blended with shock, disbelief, something akin to childlike eagerness and hope. She couldn’t believe she was about to interview Jodi! But this wasn’t the same old bubbly, energetic, positive and spirited Jodi. This was the new-and-improved Jodi who had now just made history. “Congratulations on your placement as champion, especially after being away for so long. How do you feel?”

“Oh, I feel so full of energy, honestly! I missed everything so much while away, especially the atmosphere. Hearing the crowd cheer when I presented this body of mine after keeping it under wraps was a reward in itself.”

“And what a body! Tell me: how did you keep one of such proportion a secret?” Harriet’s eyes toured Jodi’s great bulk with eager intent, making sure to absorb every bulging inch on display. Her posing outfit was clearly made-to-order, but that didn’t stop her prodigious muscles from snuggly pressing into the fabric anyway. “God knows it couldn’t have been easy.”

“No, it definitely wasn’t. I had to live like a hermit before the show to make sure nobody knew what package I was bringing this year. Funny story actually. ” Raising her arm, Jodi prompted the reporters to gawk at her bicep as it climbed to its mind-numbing peak with a gentle rumble. One of the accompanying photographers took the initiative by capturing a photo of the winner’s mammoth limb. Eying his astonishment, she made sure to pump her bicep a few times, allowing its already inordinate size to climb higher still. “There was no way I was going to let anyone see these forty-four-inch cannons in public before they were ready.”

“Forty-four…” Harriet trailed off, her train of thought utterly derailed by Jodi’s casual declaration, which was then followed by a confident, almost smug grin. How was she able to grow so much so quickly? The details Harriet picked up from before the show didn’t quite match up. “We all heard the rumours about you bringing something unique to the stage that would shake the bodybuilding industry to its core upon your return, which, I admit, were hard to believe. Yet, of course, here you are with exactly that. But I have to ask: just how did you get so big so quickly? If memory serves, you’re not long postpartum.”

Jodi’s subtle laugh allowed her brick-like abdominals to stretch and bulge out, as though being pulled like taffy. It allowed the reporters to have a solitary moment attended to the powerful muscles as they flexed and rippled.

“Well, I planned to hit the stage again after the pregnancy, but didn’t want to start from scratch. Now, I won’t lie: I have used steroids before. No bodybuilder hasn’t, and those who say otherwise are lying to their following. But that’s beside the point.”

Harriet had been taking notes while Jodi recalled the events that led to both her triumphant return and inordinate size. The reporter had a hunch this story would not make headlines in the bodybuilding industry, but globally. This would be especially reinforced when the more extraordinary details inevitably came to light.

“So then, when I’m not even a week postpartum, I get an email from a startup company, Hardwell Labs, promising the ‘Sponsorship of a lifetime.’ Of course, I was unconvinced at first, but when the CEO turned up at my door literally the next day, with his team of A-1 doctors and scientists at his back, I was put on the spot a bit. Thirty minutes and a cup of tea later, I signed the contract without hesitation.”

“So what happened next?” Harriet queried as she frantically wrote into her pad, trying to keep up with Jodi’s tale. She hadn’t even gotten to the best parts yet and the reporters were sweating profusely at this evident goldmine laced with mystery. Hardwell Labs? Who were they? Opportunity of a lifetime? What?

“Within three hours I had my bags packed, was on a flight to an undisclosed location, and had several tests done on me. I had my height and weight measured, my blood taken. The full works. The scientists explained the samples taken would help ensure the treatment they had lined up worked only on me.” Jodi halted for a moment, rather unexpectedly, casting back to when the scientists prodded and measured her, muttering to themselves and each other as they used their great minds to compute and store the results of the experiment they, at the last minute, pointed out hadn’t been done before. It didn’t exactly instill confidence in Jodi, but that was all in the past now. “It was a bit invasive, so luckily my husband and little bundle of joy were allowed to come along for comfort.”

The journalists and photographers awed in unison.

“Well, clearly the program did wonders and worked as intended. There hasn’t been a man, let alone a woman of your proportions before today.” Harriet then noted Jodi’s demeanor seemed to shift somewhat; her smile was, as yet, still there, but not as pronounced. It almost looked as though she was…embarrassed. “It did work as intended, didn’t it?” Harriet enunciated.

“Well…” Jodi chuckled nervously, rubbing her neck. She was clearly overcome with some sense of bashfulness. Her blimp-like arm bulged casually as she elected to find a moment to think her next few words through carefully, her bicep brushing off her cheek. “Kinda.”

The reporters’ chore of piecing together Jodi’s great tale came to a grinding halt. What did she mean by ‘kinda’? The evident results clearly didn’t match up with the specifics. In fact, Harriet made sure to point that out.

“The treatment was designed to give me my Physique-level body back in record time. What had taken me several years to sculpt before my pregnancy, would, in fact, be achieved in three months following the treatment.” Jodi could see the reporters’ eyes glisten with excitement as the meat of her mysterious story was finally brought to light. A smile crept along her mouth. Those familiar with Jodi knew she wasn’t typically one for expressing narcissistic traits, but the attention garnered from giving an account of her metamorphosis was something she was quick to absorb, knowing nobody else held the luxury.

“And what exactly did this ‘treatment’ involve?” Harriet asked.

“Oh, the usual: a strict diet and workout plan that I was to stick to on a daily basis, with no rest days. I was to receive a bi-weekly injection of a ‘cocktail,’ as the scientists called it, that was infused with my blood.” Jodi turned her nose up at the afterthought of that particular detail. It wasn’t exactly the nicest thing about her transformation to remember, but the reporters in front of her just kept scribbling. It was almost as if their minds had collectively switched off and just copied anything Jodi would say, word for word, no matter how bizarre. “I was already eating twice as much as I usually would before the injection, which only contributed to making me hungrier.”

“Well, a body brimming with that much beef needs all the meat it can get,” Harriet quipped.

“Right. I definitely wasn’t complaining. After the injection, with my next meal the same day, I was eating enough to feed a family of four for a week.” Jodi extended her leg out in front of the eager reporters and photographers, running a hand down the meaty limb before making a point of shaking her quad determinedly, directing the enthused onlookers to the trophy-winning teardrop swelling outwards. Then came the hard slap. “And all the meat went to the right places.”

Harriet ogled Jodi’s quad as she repeated the shaking in a rhythm, closing with a tense flex that allowed the behemothic muscle to distend and inflate like a balloon. The woman had never seen such a casual display of power before, compelling one’s own body to burgeon in such a way so effortlessly. Squish-like thrums sounded as the colossal woman’s frame widened even further, bit by bit, yet prominently enough to be noticeable by the human eye. One of the photographers took a shot of Jodi in her confident quad pose and compared it with one he captured earlier. He could’ve sworn—  Yep. Not only had Jodi’s quads grown larger, but her biceps did, too. And she didn’t even do anything.

“But I digress. The treatment worked, yes. Though too well, admittedly. You remember my earlier comment about the goal of regaining my physique-level body back in three months? After the injection, I recouped my gains in only two days.” Jodi knew that revelation would send the crowd of eager, fan-like spectators spiraling, which it did. Most didn’t quite know how to handle that tidbit of the epic tale that was Jodi’s radical change, while only a select few had enough self-control to nod, though mindlessly like drones. “The people at Hardwell were absolutely floored by my results, and initially wrote them off as some weird sense of beginner’s luck. But their opinions quickly changed when I started growing randomly from doing nothing.”

“So, what happened?” By this point, Harriet wasn’t asking questions on behalf of NPC so much as to satiate her own curiosity, drawn to Jodi’s tale like a mouse to cheese. She was hungry for further understanding, would take anything Jodi offered no matter how small the scoop.

“Well, next thing I know, I find myself tested on further, and put into machines I didn’t know existed, like I was teleported into a sci-fi movie.” Jodi reminisced, remembering those details well, especially the one of her being asked by one of the scientists to hold something for a moment while they prepped, to then be given it back flattened like a pancake because she hadn’t yet realized her monumental increase in strength. That was something she particularly enjoyed. “Sure enough, the results come back and they realize their error.”

“And what was that?” Harriet asked, her hand shaking like a leaf. As if that wasn’t enough an indication her eagerness to learn more had built itself up into a frenzy, her heart beat like drum.

“They never accounted for my postpartum hormones. I was still healing from my pregnancy, which I, technically, should still be. But the treatment helped with that, healed me up so well I don’t have a scar from it.” Jodi was getting excited recalling those particular details, trailing off to remember the scientists’ awestruck faces when they saw the postpartum scarring fade and then disappear entirely, as if she’d never been pregnant to begin with. “Of course, that made a HUGE difference in my gains. By the end of the week, I was off Hardwell’s charts lifting a literal ton in weight. And remember: that was after only the first injection. The plan was to go through another six, obviously, each of which was going to boost my results. But that’s no longer needed."

“Are you afraid of not being..too big?” Harriet managed to squeak out timidly.

Jodi’s peppy chuckle spoke for her. It was clear from that alone she didn’t share Harriet’s opinion on that. Of course, why would she? The woman knew herself to be special, one-of-a-kind, or even — dare she say it? — a literal goddess compared to the other competitors she effortlessly triumphed over. That wasn’t to say Jodi was too self-centered to give those women time in the limelight. It was just— her win was as certain as a sunrise, regardless. “Are you kidding? I’m going to own this look!”

Harriet gulped. She wasn’t surprised by Jodi’s brazen comment. In fact, she expected it. But that didn’t stop her from feeling a sense of dread crawl up her spine as the predicted words rolled from the colossal woman’s tongue. Just how much bigger did Jodi plan on getting? As if being the most muscular person in existence, an accomplishment nobody else could share in, wasn’t already an achievement worth boasting about. It was clear Jodi had plans.

“Well you know, I intend on holding this title for quite some time, forever if I can.” Jodi noted the photographers practically drooling over her herculean bulk as she pressed her knuckles into her V-taper. She knew she was driving them mad and no doubt boasted raging hard-ons to boot. “If your eyes are melting at my body now, just you wait until the package I bring next year.”

“But at the pace you’re growing…” Harriet trailed off, her mind once again brought to an utter standstill over Jodi’s bold assurance.

“Exactly! That’s some food for thought. Might even give you some wet dreams for the next while.” Jodi flashed her signature smirk, her ears picking up gentle moans of pleasure from the onlooking Harriet as the monstrous champion’s pectorals rippled into view of a rickety cameraman’s lens.



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