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"My god today's pump feels glorious! Nothing better than a monster leg workout with my bestie!" Shyla's eyes sparkled as she and Aubrey entered the apartment.  

"Yeah it was okay," Aubrey said halfheartedly.

"Okay? Shyla frowned. "How was today Okay? We maxed the shit out of everything, we could hardly walk back to the apartment and I'm sure we made a few guys flee to the locker room!" 

Aubrey gave Shyla half a smile. She knew her bestie, always getting caught up in her own workouts, her feelings and sensations. But the way Aubrey had progressed it was getting harder and harder to get a monster pump like she used to. Even with the custom machines, excessive training volume, slow sets and even pause sets, her legs had become so strong she missed feeling the way Shyla was feeling now.

"It was fine, truly..." Aubrey lied. "Come on, I'll make us lunch." And she dashed into the kitchen. 

"Hey, Brie can I borrow your man later? I need his help on a little project that requires someone handy with tools" Shyla asked Aubrey. Both girls were sitting at the kitchen table at Mason's apartment. They were still wearing their sweaty workout attires. 

Aubrey looked up, her mouth stuffed with two boiled eggs

"Well, you gotta ask him, not me!" She said.

"Fair enough," Shyla replied. "Mason must be the only guy who isn't intimidated by me, but I'm sure he'll still agree to help." She added.

"Well... He's also the only guy with a girlfriend who is bigger and stronger than you, so I guess he knows you will have to deal with me if you ever play a trick on him!" Aubrey giggled.

"Maybe I'll put that to the test later, see how far I can push him" Shyla laughed out loud. Her joke only being met with a frown from Aubrey. And like on cue Mason's key turned into the door and he walked into the apartment. 

"Speak of the devil!" Shyla greeted him as she dashed over and threw her sizable arms over his shoulders and dragged him down to her face. She whispered something in Mason's ears. Aubrey couldn't hear but she didn't think much of it. To her, it was Shyla being her intense self. 

The both of them left minutes later and Aubrey was overdue for a shower. Several hours had passed and Aubrey was quietly enjoying the soft fall sun on the balcony when her phone began to buzz. It was a text from Shyla. "Brian's gym now!". Aubrey grinned at the bluntness of her friend. But she got the message and left for the gym. 

When she arrived she didn't have to wonder where to go, there was a crowd near one of her custom machines. Despite never trying to be intimidating or forceful, crowds had a habit of making room wherever she went and today was no different. 

Aubrey her grin widened, her eyes sparkled at what she saw! Mason and Shyla were standing next to her trusty custom Hack squat machine, Mason's tools were littered around and he had just finished packing a blowtorch. 

"Tadah!!" Shyla shouted. "You didn't think I wouldn't notice, did you Brie? "I fully realized you needed a bigger challenge! But I needed some time t set this up!"

Aubrey checked out her machine, they had managed to weld on an additional four weight pins on the sizable machine, going from 2 to a total of 6 pins, allowing not just double but triple the weight of its original setup. 

Mason smiled at seeing Aubrey her expression, she looked at the machine with the same love-filled eyes as she would look at him. "Don't worry we did the math and the machine is totally up to this new maximum load!"

Aubrey was ecstatic she ran towards the two and lifted them clear of the ground as she hugged both of them with the biggest loving hugs possible. "Thank you soo much you guys," She said with a tear in her eyes.

"Can I?" she asked. 



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