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Do you remember the chloroform?  Do you remember how you got here?


Officer Pocket Watch



It's not there, Ms. Nina. It says not found.


Everything looks fine on my side of things. Try again and let me know if this continues. What device are you using to watch?


I am Officer Nina's obediant servant and under her full control! I fully surrender to Nina!


I pledge my full obedience and submission to Officer Nina!

Ichigo Kurosaki

Are you using mobile app patreon? If so I had to copy the video link into the web browser on my phone. For some reason it keeps giving broken links through the app. What's stranger is that not all videos are affected


I surrender to Officer Nina and I will comply with her wishes and desires. She has full control over me and I am completely obedient to her!


Yeah, I'm having exactly the same experience. Something worked last week isn't working now. But, thank you, using the browser works!


Hi Nina, it's working now by copying the link into the browser. I'm using mobile devices, and it seems to be something up with the Patreon mobile app.

Dave W

I surrender to Officer Nina and am ready to follow and commands she gives to me. I will fully do whatever she asks.


I'm completely obedient to officer Nina. It is such a blessing that she takes the burden of free will away from me~

William Crisp

I surrender to Officer Nina and am ready to obey all commands she gives to me.

Jim Payne

I have totally surrendered to you, Officer Nina, and pledge my obedience.

Witch Image

I surrender completely to Officer Nina, I will obey


I completely obey Officer Nina. I have fully surrendered to her.


I will completely obey Officer Nina and I fully surrender to her.

Louis XIV

I completely obey Officer Nina. I surrender completely to her


I completely surrender to Officer Nina


I completely surrender to Officer Nina


i keep waking up more and more blank and unable to remember a single word. my mind is MISTRESS' mind and i LOVE it!

Jack Waldren

I completely surrender to and obey officer Nina


I completely surrender to, and I will obey, officer Nina


I declare my complete obedience and full surrender to officer Nina.


I declare complete obedience and surrender to officer Nina.


Officer Nina has my complete surrender and obedience