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Some precious alone time with your favorite cop... Officer Nina :-)


(No title)


murt pie

oh my god


You've got me, Officer Nina! I was driving recklessly, endangering the lives of pedestrians and road users by zig-zagging across the road and driving all over the pavement, with no concern for traffic markings or driving directions. It's a good thing that you detained me. Thank you for arresting me, Officer Nina. Also, I must ask, are the handcuffs hanging by your thighs for dolls? Or am I being invited to imagine that Officer Nina is a giant?

Laethir Laethir

I must have driven recklessly. Thank you Officer Nina for arresting me! This way no one is put in danger, because of my reckless driving. Maybe I take the room directly across from Officer Nina's desk, so that she can watch me, so that I cannot do anything wrong over night? Yes, the one with the iron bars as walls, I mean. Hm yes, quite a strange architecture, but will keep me locked up for the night, thank you!


You caught me, Officer Nina! I was recklessly driving, putting people in danger. It's a good thing you detained me, thank you for arresting me, Officer Nina!


I was driving so recklessly - I have no idea what must have come over me. Thank You, Officer Nina, for arresting me!! I am so grateful that You were there to bring me in. That really was the best possible outcome for all.